On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, the 3rd Health and Sport Days were held – Healthy Live Habits, Sport and Food. An exclusive event, with the participation of ordinary school students (GARBÍ) and special education students (ACIDH). Álex Abrines, Sergi Bruguera and Gemma Mengual gave Support to the events organized by the Nacho Juncosa Sports Association, gambling this year for the unified sport
La Associació Esportiva Nacho Juncosahas organized the 3rd Health and Sport Days – Healthy Life, Sports and Food Habits with the collaboration of Special Olympics Catalonia. The aim has been to promote the practice and healthy living habits among children of the ACIDH Special Education College and the Garbí Pere Vergés College of Esplugues de Llobregat. This year has been a special edition because the day has been unified, with children with and without intellectual disabilities sharing the activities. The experience was valued as very positive by the participating students themselves demonstrating once again that sport breaks barriers.
5 sports stations and healthy habits
The Club esportiu Laietà de Barcelona has been the stage of these sports days where almost 60 students have been able to enjoy different seasons of basketball, tennis, paddle and football from the hand of professional technicians. In addition to one nutrition station and healthy habits where they could cook some energy bars. At the tennis station they have had a very special playmate like the captain of the Spanish selection of Copa Davis, Sergi Bruguera. Also, with the visit of the FCBarcelona basketball player Alex Abrines and the former synchronized swimming pool Gemma Mengualas well as the ex-player of FCBarcelona Tente Sánchez.
Unified days
The speciality of these third days was the coexistence of two different schools, one of special education, the ACIDH, and the other ordinary, the Colegio Garbí Pere Vergés. The most differential and important fact is that students with and without intellectual disabilities shared group and practiced sport together, taking one step further towards the total integration of persons with intellectual disabilities into society. Alba Laudes, of the Garbí College, commented that “everybody in their life should experience such an experience. Sharing time with people with disabilities and sport is essential for everyone to feel like us, as it is what most unites people.” And as the professor of physical education of the Garbí School, Sergi Clos complements, with these days “what is achieved is to break taboos and overcome the barrier of ignorance.” On the part of ACIDH, the athlete Nicolai Arroyo said that “it has been a very positive experience, I liked being with other schools and meeting new people.” Significado de los nombres
Associació Esportiva Nacho Juncosa: their goal is to promote sports practice and promote good living habits for anyone who wants to participate in a healthy sport-related experience. One of the reasons for its constitution is the inclusion of the most vulnerable groups (people with chronic diseases, persons with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, and persons at risk of social exclusion) in its program of development of events and activities as a means of social integration. It also organizes the International Tennis Tournament Sub’16 Nacho Juncosa and the international tennis tournament ITF Barcelona Sub-18.
Special Olympics Catalonia: This is a sport group, whose main objective is to promote the practice of sport and other leisure activities, by persons with intellectual disabilities, as a path of personal development and social integration. Special Olympics works to achieve the following objectives:
. Promote the promotion of sport, leisure and solidarity among persons with intellectual disabilities, as a means of personal development and social integration.
. Improve social opinions, attitudes and behaviour in relation to persons with intellectual disabilities.
. Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and research in the field of adapted physical activity.
. Representation of Special Olympics Catalonia Special Olympics Catalonia in national, state and international fields and agencies.
Source Comunicae
3rd Health and Sport Days: Healthy Living Habits, Sport and Food
On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, the 3rd Health and Sport Days were held – Healthy Live Habits, Sport and Food. An exclusive event, with the participation of or
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