80% of Spanish buys frozen fish





The Spanish chain leader in frozen foods, La Sirena, has conducted a market study to analyze what are the habits and motivations of buying frozen products centered on the category of fish. The excellent quality-price ratio, taste guarantee, and food security appear as some of the best valued aspects and buyers

Ultrafreeze is the safest and most healthy food conservation system, and one of the best forms of fish conservation. This is reflected in the last study of The Mermaid, Spanish chain leader in frozen food, produced by NielsenIQ, which reveals that 80% of the Spaniards have bought frozen fish for the last six months.


The analysis carried out by the feeding chain also reveals that 3 out of 4 respondents consume fish (either fresh or frozen) at least two days a week, with a weekly purchasing frequency for 57% of respondents.

The motivations of choosing the frozen product in this category, according to the consumers consulted, reveal that the choice of a specialist like the Mermaid offers you greater variety and types of cuts already prepared, possibility to buy bulk and a good value-price ratio against the option of fresh fish.

Because of the current market situation (and especially in case of widespread price increases), 11% claim to consume less fish than six months ago. In this context, 6 out of 10 claim to buy more fish on offer, while 45% spend the same amount buying less quantity.

A long service life, the clean piece ready to consume and the possibility of always having food available in households, are the main advantages perceived by consumers for choose frozen fish in front of the fresh product. Safety is also particularly important: where frozen fish is perceived as a safer product in terms of the minimization of the presence of microorganisms, especially the deactivation of parasites such as anisakis.

On the other hand, 7 out of 10 regular fresh fish consumersclaim to freeze your purchase when you get home. This practice contradicts the recommendations of the experts, who advocate ultra-freeze in origin as the best method to maintain the properties of freshly extracted fish. Therefore, the “case” freezing often occurs several days after catching the fish or even after having suffered some freezing and defrosting prior to sale, a fact that the establishments are obliged to communicate, informing whether the product has suffered such freezing before exposing it in its cool section.


“With nearly 40 years of history, La Sirena has the responsibility as a frozen food specialist leader, to analyze, divulge and improve the consumer’s perception of the category...”, he explains Xavier Parra, Marketing Director of La Sirena, “...our efforts in innovation and development, in collaboration with our partners, they focus on bringing to the consumer practical, healthy and sustainable solutions for their daily food. Studies such as this, or our outreach campaign “MOTIVE BUENS” help us to develop our purpose of giving Time, Flavor and Health to Life, demonstrating that the ultra-freeze product is a product MORE FRESCO than FRESCO.

80% of Spanish buys frozen fish

80% of Spanish buys frozen fish

The Spanish chain leader in frozen foods, La Sirena, has conducted a market study to analyze what are the habits and motivations of buying frozen products cent






80% of Spanish buys frozen fish
80% of Spanish buys frozen fish

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