A lunch with Raffaello without leaving Madrid





‘A pranzo con Raffaello’ is one of the many activities programmed within the VII edition of the Italian Cooking Week in Spain that takes place from 14 to 20 November

Gastronomy and history have joined together to celebrate ‘A pranzo with Raffaello’one of the many activities programmed within the VII edition of the Italian Cooking Week in Spain, held at the Italian Institute of Culture of Madrid. And it's just that Embassy of Italy in Madrid has organized a full programme of events taking place 14-20 November in several Spanish cities over the next six days.


On this occasion, the Italian Renaissance has become present with a cultural and culinary experience in which the attendees have closely observed the exhibition entitled ‘Magister Raffaello’. Then they enjoyed of a showcooking by Manfredi Bosco, chef and president of the Italian Federation of cooks in Spain.

For his part, Riccardo Guariglia, Ambassador of Italy to Spain, has presented the program of activities of the Week of Cooking in Italy in Spain remembering how the cuisine is culture and in Italy “it is also a form of art that facilitates cordiality among people, constituted an important moment of meeting not only between friends and acquaintances but also among families”. The ambassador has also highlighted how this seventh edition will focus on health, person, planet and technology.

The diplomat has wanted to emphasize the crossroads in which the world finds itself in terms of labelling, “subceptible to affect very flagrantly the health of consumers and the economic sustainability of many small and medium-sized producers so important to our two countries.” In the same way, the ambassador recalled the position of the Italian government regarding the label Nutriscore that “divide foods in good and bad based supposedly on algorithms whose calculations are not well known to those who perform them.” Tostadora de pan

Traditional Italian recipes
During the event, such important aspects of the Renaissance cuisine have been announced as the start of the food classification, the value of the kitchen and the cook, the use of the label at the table, the differentiation between the Italian regional cuisines and the introduction of new cooking methods.

In the end, all the attendees have been able to taste three delicious recipes as a sample of the culinary culture of the time.

To begin with, you could taste a rustic herbal cake. “The reason for choosing this dessert is because during the Renaissance the Credenza, kitchen furniture in which bread and other food were kept. A whole revolution for the time when you could keep several cold dishes for days,” he said. Manfredi Bosco. Next, the chef has prepared a soup of legumes, an ingredient always present in the food of the people, but that during the Renaissance it also became a typical meal of the nobles. Afterwards, a chicken limonia has been served, a dish that expresses the flavors of the time thanks to its mixture of sugar and salty with the use of spices that served for an improvement in food conservation.

Embutides and cheeses have also not been missing, and during the Renaissance they began to be used frequently.

All activities of the VII edition of the Italian Cooking Week in Spain can be downloaded in this link.

Source Comunicae

A lunch with Raffaello without leaving Madrid

A lunch with Raffaello without leaving Madrid

‘A pranzo con Raffaello’ is one of the many activities programmed within the VII edition of the Italian Cooking Week in Spain that takes place from 14 to 2






A lunch with Raffaello without leaving Madrid
A lunch with Raffaello without leaving Madrid

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