Abuse of antioxidants may have unwanted effects





MAR premium: It is the use of antioxidants that are fashionable to slow down aging, can be easily purchased without prescription and consumed without medical control, however, an automedication that does not take into account the health of the user, the type of antioxidant used and an appropriate dose can be counterproductive and even dangerous to general health

All cells of the human organism use inhaled oxygen in breathing and transform it into reactive oxygen species (ERO), fundamental for the generation of energy necessary for a variety of vital processes. Once their function is fulfilled, the EROs are eliminated by antioxidant substances. In healthy cells there is a balance between the generation of EROs, their use and the subsequent elimination of left EROs.


This balance is disturbed in different pathological conditions, many of them associated with age, resulting in oxidative stress that causes damage to different cells, tissues and organs, causing changes that cause their functional aging. A recent study equipment clinic from Granada, led by Dr. Jan Tesarik and Dr. Raquel Mendoza Tesarik, shows how different factors cause the aging of ovaries and the initiation of menopause converge in the development of oxidative stress.

oxidative stress is also behind multiple non-fertility-related pathologies such as autoimmune, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, various types of cancer, functional decline of different age-related organs, as well as aging in general.

For over 30 years
Antioxidants are substances that inhibit oxidation and, for more than 30 years, are used to prevent and cure diseases caused by oxidative stress, derived from a deficiency of endogenous antioxidants responsible for their elimination. The medication balanced with antioxidants, manages to delay aging processes and reverse the progress of associated diseases. However, its popularity, which leads to self-medication, may have opposite effects to the desired ones. Planes con niños en Valencia

Contrary effect
Paradoxically, an unbalanced treatment with antioxidants has a perverse effect and aggravates the existing disease rather than solving it. “Don’t forget—show Dr. Jan Tesarik and Dr. Raquel Mendoza—that oxidative processes are vital to cells, and only their excess causes oxidative stress and cell damage. However, the uncontrolled use of antioxidants leads to an opposite end: reducing stress, not less harmful than oxidative.”

Directors of the clinic They comment that “years ago we realized that the quality of sperm, caused by oxidative stress, improves after treatment with the right doses of antioxidants, but it gets worse again if the doses are too high. ”

In addition, they add “the excess of certain types of antioxidants can cause other serious diseases in a multitude of organs, such as kidney stones, prostate and lung cancer, heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, diabetes, neuromuscular disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease.

In pregnant women, the abuse of antioxidants can increase the risk of fetal abnormalities. “Therefore, it is very important – they conclude – to choose the type of antioxidant and its doses during a medical consultation, taking into account the age and personal and family history of each patient, so the eventual presence of different comorbidities.”

Source Comunicae

Abuse of antioxidants may have unwanted effects

Abuse of antioxidants may have unwanted effects

MAR premium: It is the use of antioxidants that are fashionable to slow down aging, can be easily purchased without prescription and consumed without medical c






Abuse of antioxidants may have unwanted effects
Abuse of antioxidants may have unwanted effects

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