The Clínica Doctora Margarita Esteban is a place where, in addition to taking care of beauty, they care for health and well-being. They offer their patients close and personalized treatment in addition to a great success rate, supported by more than 15 years of experience from their professional team
In addition, in his continuous teson to expand and improve his knowledge to improve the health of his patients, the Doctor Margarita Esteban he has carried out throughout his career a multitude of graduates and complementary courses. These include diets and nutrition, aging medicine or aesthetic medicine.
He also maintains a firm commitment to his profession and patients. In fact, he is a member of several scientific societies, such as the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine or the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Surgery. In addition, it is one of the founders and exercises the vice president of the association GEMEON (Group of Experts on Oncology Aesthetic Medicine)created to support the cancer patient.
The Clínica Doctora Margarita Esteban is a place where, in addition to taking care of beauty, they care for health and well-being. They offer their patients close and personalized treatment in addition to a great success rate, supported by the more than 15 years of experience of their professional team.
They take care of each patient since the first consultation. They study each case and make an appropriate opinion between the actual expectations and possibilities of the chosen treatment. In this way, they guarantee a specific treatment according to the needs that are presented, following exclusively medical techniques. Cómo Localizar un Celular Móvil [ Contenido Actualizado Septiembre del 2024 ]
They offer treatments to combat leftover fat and cellulite; to remove sunspots; depilation with the latest laser technology. They also give a solution to aging or capillary problems.
Transplant Capilar Fut
The method of hair transplant by FUT technique is performed on a single day with local anesthesia and mild sedation. It consists of recovering a group of about three or four hair follicles from a skin strip. It's a totally indolorous outpatient procedure. The scar is invisible (even with short hair) and the hair grows unhindered during the healing process.
Transplant Capilar Was
Like the FUT technique, this class of capillary grafts is performed with local anesthesia and ambulatory form. However, there is a big difference, as the hair transplant by FUE technique Yes requires shaving part of the scalp to expose the healthy piloss follicles to be used in the transplant. Hairs are extracted from the scalp discovered using a tiny cylindrical scalpel and grafted into groups of up to three hairs following the birth line, pattern of growth and natural orientation of the hair.
Injerto Capilar Tricomplete
A pioneer method of high-density capillary implants, indicated for severe cases of male alopecia. It consists of a combination of surgical and medical treatments, which result in a greater amount of hair in a lesser period.
Treatments used include FUT hair transplant and FUE hair transplant, to recover a large number of hair follicles as well as non-invasive capillary treatments to strengthen the hair and increase growth speed, volume and shine.
Aesthetic Clinic Dra. Margarita Santi Esteban in Bilbao
The Clínica Doctora Margarita Esteban is a place where, in addition to taking care of beauty, they care for health and well-being. They offer their patients c
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