ALGALENIC LABS has created health and sport supplements using marine microalgae as a key ingredient to maintain and protect the health of your family
The form of nourishment is increasingly important in protecting the health of loved ones. A valuable nutrient due to its bioactive and unknown compounds in the western world, until a few years ago, are marine microalgae.
Marine microalgae have been cultivated by mankind for centuries due to its valuable bioactive compounds. Marine microalgae Algalenic Labs, Chlorella Marina, is produced by Buggypower, one of the leading producers of marine microalgae in the world, in its enclosed photobioreactors of Porto Santo, Portugal.
This Portuguese island in the North Atlantic Ocean offers the benefits of sunny days throughout the year, pristine sea water and clean air for a balance that produces perfect growth. When compared to fresh water, seawater provides the advantage of high concentrations of inorganic nutrients, trace elements such as iodine and selenium and low bacterial loads.
After years of scientific research ALGALENIC LABS, has developed a series of dietary supplements that help to maintain the organism and that of the family in optimal conditions. The selected ingredients and raw materials are fully tested, guaranteed and certified.
Benefits of Marine Chlorella for the organism
The domestic consumption of Chlorella Marina has proven to be beneficial to the human organism;
Detoxify the body
The Marine Chlorella helps detoxify the kidneys and gallbladder. In several studies, this marine microalgae has been shown with the ability to eliminate a variety of toxins found in the western diet.
Eliminates heavy materials
tiredness and swelling can be signs of the accumulation of heavy metals in the body. There is an exposure to heavy metals in; meals, water, air, makeup etc..
Promotes good digestion and weight loss
Chlorella Marina helps a good digestion. It is an excellent regulator of the intestinal flora. It also helps regulate hormones, increase metabolism and reduce weight.
Strengthen the immune system
The Marine Chlorella contains vitamins B6, B12 that help strengthen the immune system. Blog sobre salud
Encourages the creation of new cells
The growth factor of the Marine Chlorella is responsible for its ability to heal and rejuvenate the human body. Repairs affected cells and tissues, as well as stimulating the growth of new cells.
Improves cholesterol levels
Chlorella Marina helps with cholesterol and in cases of depression. When cholesterol problems are hereditary in nature, your intake is usually very effective and able to help your intestines eliminate cholesterol.
Improves sugar levels
Three independent research groups from South Korea and Taiwan demonstrated in their tests that Chlorella Marina's intake helps in reducing the amount of blood and insulin sugar.
Keeps blood pressure at bay
Chlorella Marina supplements help promote kidney and heart health, which is essential for normal blood pressure. In a study people with moderate blood pressure ingested 4g of Chlorella Marina for 12 weeks. At the end of the study these people had lower blood pressure than the participants who had taken a placebo.
Increased antioxidant cell levels
Chlorella Marina is a very powerful antioxidant agent. Marine microalgae are rich in iodine and lipids, a combination of fatty acids and yoduros – the oldest of the antioxidants. In addition, Chlorella Marina contains other antioxidants such as chlorophyll, vitamin C, beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein. These antioxidants help fight many chronic diseases.
Balance hormones
The iodine is called the endocrine mineral, since it is not only important for the thyroid glands but for the entire body's hormonal system.
Balance the mood
Chlorella Marina is a natural source of vitamin B12, niacin and thiamine, which helps with a healthy psychological function. Clinical studies have shown that taking Chlorella Marina is an effective and safe complementary form for patients with depression and anxiety.
Balance the skin
Vitamins B2, B3 and the biotin of the Marine Chlorella help the skin look healthy and radiant. One of the causes of acne in the skin is due to the accumulated toxicity in the body. Chlorella Marina helps detoxify the liver and kidneys by dragging toxins from the body.
It strengthens hair
Unlike synthetic vitamin supplements, Chlorella Marina is a source of comprehensive biotin and copper food that act fast and are absorbed to promote strong, healthy and bright hair.
ALGALENIC LABS proposes to incorporate the Marine Chlorella into the food
ALGALENIC LABS has created health and sport supplements using marine microalgae as a key ingredient to maintain and protect the health of your family /COMU
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