ASTAXANTINA: Sunscreen against UV rays and skin ageing





According to studies by Naoki Ito, *Shinobu Seki and Fumitaka Ueda of Ushijima Research Laboratories, Japan, ASTAXANTINA has the power to protect against the deterioration of the skin induced by UV rays and helps to keep the skin healthy in healthy people. *

Astaxantin, as many scientific studies have established it, is one of the best known antioxidants. The benefits for the organism extend to many problems. As an antioxidant, it is 500 times more effective than vitamin E, 800 times more powerful than Q10 coenzyme and 6000 times compared to vitamin C. It prevents and controls numerous pathological states with inflammatory and oxidative base. This significantly limits some clinical forms of photosensitivity, skin inflammation, hives, erections and burns due to exposure to UV rays, seconds National Center for Biotechnology Information from the United States.


Research has shown that antioxidants can play a crucial role in improving photobiological damage and photoaging, and based on this, an in vitro study aimed to evaluate the capacity of natural astaxantin to protect against ultraviolet A (UVA)-induced genotoxicity (Lyons 2002). In this work, human skin cell cultures with algae astaxantin were pre-incubated. Although it was discovered that this procedure protects against the damage of the skin's DNA from UVA rays from solar exposure.

It is essential that Astaxantina be of natural origin of algae (haematococcus pluvialis) and non-synthetic. In comparison and experience we recommend Astaxantina Natural Kinoko Life from crystal clear waters and quality AstaPure®. This astaxantin is cultivated in a patented, ecological and free closed system of contaminants and toxins. Using the sunlight of the desert of Aravá, the manufacturing process is completely sustainable and depends on the energy generated on a farm of solar panels and purified water platform. It's a real ecological crop. Blog de divulgación científica

Curiously, celebrities or celebrities are assiduous consumers of Astaxantina as it has a anti-aging effect.. It is estimated that astaxantin is more bioactive than other carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, lutein and betacarotene, due to its unique molecular structure, with a ceto and hydroxyl group at each end of its molecule. These polar extremes are believed to turn off free radicals, and combined with a series of C = C conjugated links, make the molecule a highly bioactive antioxidant. (Davinelli 2018).

Astaxantin is effective in the prevention and treatment of various eye conditionsincluding protection against age-related macular degeneration (MAD). It is believed that the death of the cells of the retinal pigment epithelium plays a key role in the pathogenesis of DMAE, and this happens commonly as a result of oxidative stress damage caused by free radicals (Giannaccare 2020). The study found that it was more likely that patients who performed this complementary regime would report significant improvements in visual acuity, in addition to contrast sensitivity and vision-related functions (Piermarocchi 2012).

ABSTRACT: Astaxantina improves the skin, helps to reduce the appearance of photoaging by exposure of the skin to the sun, as thanks to this antioxidant power blocks free radicals and reduces their harmful effects, avoiding the appearance of wrinkles. It can also help the eye inflammation of the eyes as it has an anti-inflammatory action and filtering the light rays and fighting the free radicals that are those who threaten to deteriorate vision as the outer layer of the macula is especially sensitive to oxidative damage.

ASTAXANTINA: Sunscreen against UV rays and skin ageing

ASTAXANTINA: Sunscreen against UV rays and skin ageing

According to studies by Naoki Ito, *Shinobu Seki and Fumitaka Ueda of Ushijima Research Laboratories, Japan, ASTAXANTINA has the power to protect against the d





ASTAXANTINA: Sunscreen against UV rays and skin ageing
ASTAXANTINA: Sunscreen against UV rays and skin ageing

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