Benefits of balayage in the hair




So, we'll understand in more detail what a balayage is. This painting technique is considered new, but has already gained a great popularity. He came from France. If the term is translated literally, it means “barried.”

The essence of the procedure is to create a color contrast between the main tone and the ends. The most daring experiments require a combination of not two, but even three tones with soft transitions.

They can be sharp or gradual. One of the important tasks is the selection of the tone, which not only combines with the main one, but also adapts to the tone of the eyes and skin.

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In addition, you should take into account the main rules to combine tones. Your specialist takes into account when choosing the correct tones. Producing such tincture is allowed in any hair tone. There are no restrictions and the following materials will be necessary for handling:


Painting tones selected for the balayage
various paint tools: bowls, clamps, combs, brushes, sponges, aluminum foil.

When dyeing, it is important to properly prepare the hair, choose the appropriate color tone.

Benefits of balayage in the hair

Benefits of balayage in the hair

So, we'll understand in more detail what a balayage is. This painting technique is considered new, but has already gained a great popularity. He came from Fran





Benefits of balayage in the hair
Benefits of balayage in the hair

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