Maybe by seeing the Birds in neighboring houses or in parks and squares, you have been excited to have a bird as a pet. We want to collaborate in that thought and subsequent decision, offering you some of the benefits of having birds at home.
You must consider that they are not only those birds of company like the parrots and cacatúa, or those that walnut with their singing like jilguero, canario, mirlo, turpial, tenant or petirrojo or those who offer tenderness and company like Australian parakeets.
Takes into account that there are also benefits of having birds at home with poultry such as poultry chickens, legs, codornics and goosewhich, while requiring some special conditions, are made positive and indispensable for the enjoyment of a free company and unconditional affection.
Yes, unconditional affection, do not dismiss him. That is one of the most preponderant benefits of having birds at home even though they are in captivity. You can notice it by how you approach you when placed next to the cage, respond to your whistles, your words and movements.
When you enter your hand in your cage to clean it, place food or water, you will not manifest aversion and/or fear, but will be played with you. Because birds are reciprocal in their own way, but their affection, it feels.
Attention to the following
Although there are people who claim that birds should not be in captivity, keep in mind that as long as they give you respect, affection, care and a cage with good conditions, you will be returning to that bird the benefits of having birds at home that he or she will bring you.
Not all are wild, some need care and human company. It's a reciprocal thing. Don't be intimidated by those who don't know how to balance the facts.
Benefits of having birds at home
It's all right. In addition, the colors of the birds have a direct influence on the mood, thanks to the fact that they are accompanied by movements that are somewhat kinetic, but shockingly reassuring. Blog sobre salud
Their singing, trine or piar are sounds that are associated with activities, times, places and other people who come to sign the personal story of those who have them at home for one reason or another.
They can be in small spaces (home dimension), without affecting. Breaking the monotony of the spaces and in turn, being harmonious with the decoration, even minimalist.
One of the benefits of having birds at home is that even though they require time and attention, it would not be permanently. That adapts them to the absences by work or study of the owners of the home.
If you are going to travel, you can leave your bird to a family member, friend or neighbor and this will not put buts, as giving them water and food and presence is not complicated or of extreme attention.
One of the benefits of having birds at home is that, for those who do not have a cage, go out to the street and share the day by day of their owner it becomes relaxing for both, it is not forbidden to enter almost nowhere and it becomes a center of attention, which besides liking it, benefits their self-esteem.
The poultry, which are raised from chicks to live with people, take attitudes of them (copy their day to day and some reactions), which makes them a great company and even home advocates.
In addition, laying birds provide Fresh eggs that is one of the benefits of having birds at home more profitable, for food. This also allows the owner to choose how many birds he will want from the same mother.
They are quite healthy and can last many years. Food is not expensive, although it must be balanced with quality products. They love the bathrooms with a garden shower, which creates entertainment and relaxation to the owner.
We want to emphasize that intelligence and sensitivity of birds They're not a myth. They become part of the attitudes of their owners and even other pets. They feel sadness and fight it with their songs, colors and movements. They learn tricks and even, design your own.
Benefits of having birds at home
Maybe by seeing the Birds in neighboring houses or in parks and squares, you have been excited to have a bird as a pet. We want to collaborate in that thought
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