Let's talk some of the benefits of sexual intercourse: Speaking of the intimate sphere of life, everyone implies something of their own. But few people realize that sex is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an excellent medicine for some diseases. The healing effect is explained by the natural reaction of the body to intimacy.
By having sex, we do not know the many processes that run in our body. We offer a list of diseases against which sex acts as prevention and medicine.
Benefits of sexual intercourse
Regular sex, apart from enlarge the penis and improve the weakness of this, we give you others benefits of sexual intercourse.
Sex strengthens the immune system: In making love, we increase the level of immunoglobulins that protect the body from infectious, respiratory diseases and, above all, from the flu.
Relief women from migraine: A half of humanity is more likely to experience headaches that become migraines. In this case, regular sex will help. During orgasm, the female body produces endorphins, corticosteroids.
Sex improves women ' s health: Statistics confirm that women who regularly make love have a stable menstrual cycle and indolorous “critical days”.
Sex vs overweight: Scientists have discovered that every minute of pleasant proximity burns four calories. Therefore, people who have an active sex life look thinner.
Source of youth and disease prevention
Sex helps keep young: Everyone knows that estrogen is a female hormone. But few have heard that he is responsible for the beauty and youth of beautiful women. Having sex at least every two days, you'll look much younger than many partners. Todo sobre salud dental
Sexual urinary incontinence: Age age ages our body not only outside but also inside. Older people often suffer from urinary incontinence, which is due to an insufficient muscle tone of the pelvic floor. Sexual activity will save you from unpleasant shame, because sex perfectly trains the muscles of the vagina and pelvis.
Sex replaces cardiovascular training: Many people try to escape from a heart attack on a running tape. But after all, not all have enough willpower to develop the habit of running in the morning. Of course, people would be more willing to have sex if they knew that sexual activity reduces cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and the heart.
Sex is a natural antidepressant: A stressful life often depresses. It is difficult to find a joyful motive in the whirlwind of affairs and problems. To get rid of anxiety, discouragement, insomnia, it is not necessary to take antidepressants. Sexual satisfaction is accompanied by the release of endorphins, which in turn improve mood and relieve anxiety.
Sex as Cancer Prevention: It is believed that cancer is the result of a malfunction in the immune system. For healthy immunity, the body needs oxytocin and serotonin, which are often called “sexual” hormones. Regular sex provides the right level of these substances in the body.
Benefits of sexual intercourse
Let's talk some of the benefits of sexual intercourse: Speaking of the intimate sphere of life, everyone implies something of their own. But few people realize
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