Benefits of the SAT tax mailbox




Before we go on to comment on the benefits of the SAT tax mailbox, we understand this particular case: tax item you have to see what you receive from it, as what it provides for others, also to be benefited.


It is a way of doing good based on our profits and creations. What moves this and any country: tax collection and that they translate into tangible works for society.

To this end, we must understand the benefits of the SAT tax mail as part of interest in citizen control; so that our taxes are not devoured in robberies or banal works, but in everything that systematically improves present and future society.

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What is this service?

The tax mail is a new service focused on the bidirectionality of communication between taxpayers and the Tax Administration Service.

There, the taxpayers have been able to carry out all the formalities that the SAT provides, submit promotions, make deposits of documentation or information pertinent; from this they share the benefits of the SAT tax mail that we could consider its fundamental pillars: Attention to their requirements and obtaining answers to their needs, promotions or doubts. Korean Beauty

On the part of SAT, all taxpayers may be notified of any administrative acts that affect them or help them to resolve any adverse tax situation.

Benefits of the SAT tax mailbox

  • Can and should be used by any person of age or considerable work as a formal contributor (physical or moral person).
  • It is widely useful and attached to the absolute majority of needs to the SAT.
  • Allows all operations within the framework of their functions, from home comfort or office.
  • Among the benefits of the SAT tax mailbox for technological education, one arises indirectly: It impels the use (and knowledge of) of the citizenry signature (electronic signature).
  • Provides the greatest of electronic security and confidentiality.

Other benefits of the SAT tax mailbox

The majority are in their functions, which are in essence and among others, the following:

Electronic notification and messages of interest to the taxpayer

Online revocation remedy

Online consultations and authorizations

Request for return of balances in favour

Request for the cancellation of tax credits to taxpayers in commercial contest

Notice for obtaining the manifestation of the borrower of partial services of building of properties destined to house room

Information on loans with related parts of cooperative production or Form 80.

Renovation of the motor vehicle park.

Housing support measures and other fiscal measures.

Compensation of balances in favour.

Option of Preferential Fiscal Regulations.

Determination of Extraordinary Law on Mining.

For companies, one of the most hopeful SAT tax mail (economic recovery) benefits lies in credit notices for tax losses

And for the common citizen, one of the benefits of the SAT tax mail is that it is the point of bidirectional information about the very positive: eto the good contributor, e-accounting, automatic return, repository (great help to support each of its tax returns and algorithmic reviews on the provision of control tests electronics of internal taxes.

Benefits of the SAT tax mailbox

Benefits of the SAT tax mailbox

Before we go on to comment on the benefits of the SAT tax mailbox, we understand this particular case: tax item you have to see what you receive from it, as wh





Benefits of the SAT tax mailbox
Benefits of the SAT tax mailbox

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