The Cocora Valley is an incredible natural landscape that is located in the Axis Cafetero of Colombia, where you will have the possibility to enjoy the highest palm trees in the world, but besides that there are a lot of activities you can do. That's why we want to talk to you about the benefits of traveling to the Cocora Valley or about the different options you'll find.
In the area of Salento and Valle del Cocora There are a good number of destinations and activities that can be carried out, starting with the fact that the valley is an incredible natural landscape that is located in the central mountain range of the Colombian Andes, being between the high course of the Quindío River. More precisely we can say that it is located in the town of Salento, about 30 km from Armenia, being one of the most outstanding points of the Aje Cafetero.
Another aspect that we think you should consider is that the valley is one of the entrances to the National Natural Park of the Nevados, which is a large park of 583 square kilometers that is protected, which is characterized by its volcanoes, forests, lakes and snowy peaks.
Likewise, the fact that the Cocora Valley has a great diversity of flora and fauna should not be lost sight. We can highlight the fact that one of its greatest attractions is the enromes Palmas de Cera del Quindío, that are the highest in the world, not forgetting the fact that it is actually the national tree of Colombia.
As we have mentioned, among the benefits of traveling to the Cocora Valley, we want to highlight the fact that the quantity and variety of destinations is something that cannot be overlooked.
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El Bosque de las Palmas
This is one of the most representative areas of the Valley, as in reality this forest has 85% of the palms that exist throughout Colombiawhich, as we have already mentioned, is the highest palm trees in the world. Recetas faciles y rápidas
However, the wax palm is in danger of extinction, so in reality this valley is even more important than we could think in plain sight.
The reservation of the Colibríes: Acaime
There is no doubt that another of the most important destinations we can find in this place is Acaime, the reservation of the hummingbirds. It is a place where you can take advantage of to rest and to see these little birds drinking nectar from the drinkers.
The viewers
It's clear that the views we can enjoy in this region are unique, so it's just that you have in mind that along the route we will have the possibility of meeting with different viewpoints. In them you can stop to rest and also take some photographs of the beautiful valley.
Now you know some of the main benefits of traveling to the Cocora Valley.
Benefits of traveling to the Cocora Valley
The Cocora Valley is an incredible natural landscape that is located in the Axis Cafetero of Colombia, where you will have the possibility to enjoy the highest
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