Experts meet at an organized conference at the Colegio de Veterinarios in Madrid to analyze the past, present and future of food security
All foods that are in the homes and consumed daily have gone through strict veterinary control. Aware of the importance of this issue, the headquarters of the Colegio de Veterinarios de Madrid hosted the day ‘Yesterday, today and tomorrow of Food Security’, organized by Agrifood Comunicación, the Official College of Veterinaries of Madrid (Colvema) and the digital newspapers Qcom.es and Euroganadería.eu.
The event, celebrated on the occasion of the National Day of Food Security, was inaugurated by Felipe Vilas, president of Colvema, who claimed the important role of veterinarians in recent years “especially in various food crises such as, for example, the crisis of the mad cows”.
Therefore, Vilas reiterated “the importance of veterinary controls at the farm level, as the first step of the food chain, which guarantees the safety of raw materials and the quality of the productions, and from there the different links must be the guarantors of the processes until the food reaches the table of the consumers”.
In addition, the president emphasized new purchasing habits thanks to new technologies, “passing in a face-to-face way to use the internet” and how these trends “influencing food security.”
For his part, Ricardo Miguelañez, director Agrifood Comunicación, pointed out the importance of communication and the coordination of all those involved in the alert network, “especially in crisis situations”, since “the autonomic structure makes it difficult to unify messages and that can confuse society, which can cause a distorted image of the food security system.” Similarly, Miguelañez has recalled that 20 years after the birth of AESAN are fulfilled and since then “the production, standards and digitization of food security has been advanced”.
The event also featured a panel discussion, moderated by José María Martínez, member of the Organizing Committee of the Food Security Master of the Colvema and Deputy Director of Emcesa, in which several speakers participated, in which issues such as communication, food security culture, sustainability, new technologies and the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (Meprcsa), recently presented by the European Commission.
The first of the experts to show their point of view was Alvaro Mateos, President Avesa, who recalled that “in the European food security system the inspector has been required to become an auditor, and within this world is where we have to delve into the future. This is where companies are to move forward to unify food security concepts.”
Another of the experts was María Martínez-Herrera, responsible for Food Safety and Environment in Asedas, who said that in his organization they know that Food Security “is the basic pillar of food distribution, for example, the Food Security Committee of the organization is one of the most veteran and active members of the association.” He also assured that they work with different entities and, one of the lines of work they currently maintain is with the Ministry of Education to “examine the need for regular training that takes into account the handling of food, essential in the sector.” In the same way, the expert said that “in the face of the consumer we have an outstanding subject to show them that the tranquility of eating safe food is due to this great chain and the fulfillment of the package of Higiene” and assured about the recent document on the Meprcsa that “everything to improve is successful, but I hope that it will not remain in intentions with regulations that conceal other realities of the sector.” Recetas de cocina tradicionales y comodas
In conclusion, Martínez-Herrera recalled that the objective of ASEDAS is that the distribution sector identify how essential in future crises, since it has been widely shown that it is and with regard to future crises this identification would give more agility and avoid obstacles identified in this pandemic.”
On the other hand, Gustavo Samayoa, president of FUCI, also incited the difficulties that exist in the vulnerable consumer people in accessing the reading and understanding of the labels of the products and, in general, the information, “because of the great digital divide that exists in our country.” At the same time, he expressed the need that “in the development of the regulations on the digitalization of the economy, which precedes the updating of the companies, appropriate measures are implemented in the impact of the business costs, so that they do not impact on the consumer.”
In closing, Óscar Hernández, director of Public Affairs and Pascual Communication, highlighted that “in spite of the advances in these years, there are still gaps regarding the communication provided to the consumer in the field of food security.” Hernandez also explained that “consumers demand more information from the Public Administration and that the necessary mechanisms are in place to ensure the food security of Spanish products in order not to depend on third countries.”
In general, all the participants in the round-table were committed to dialogue among all the parties involved, to put on the table all the needs and possibilities, because it does not work that unilateralism is imposed and what needs to be sought among all is the consumer confidence that must be the ultimate end of all the operators and the Public Administration. This would make progress in the organization and coordinated management of food alerts between the Administration and the Spanish food sector.
Similarly, the meeting highlighted the importance of the ‘One health’ concept related to food security. This global strategy involves increased communication, interdisciplinary collaboration and coordination between physicians and veterinarians in the care of the health of people, animals and the environment, understanding that all are interconnected, under the generic motto ‘A world, a health.’
Finally, the experts concluded and valued the important role of economic and social sustainability in food security, which implies that there is food availability and that this situation is stable and ongoing over time.
“Betting on the One Health approach involves preserving global health and being more prepared in the future in terms of food security”
Experts meet at an organized conference at the Colegio de Veterinarios in Madrid to analyze the past, present and future of food security /COMUNICAE/ /COM
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