Aromatherapy Chest Congestion Relief




A congested chest can put you in a state of distress. Not being able to breathe, having a runny nose and not being able to concentrate almost puts you out of commission. While there are a variety of drugs that you can use ranging from anti biotic to herbal supplements, it is best to deal with the congestion at home with the help of herbs.

An herbal tea is the best and most effective way to cure a cold and get rid of the congestion in your chest within a few days. Brew a cup of tea with ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and turmeric. Add a Dash of lemon and a hint of honey o the tea and drink it piping hot. The aromatic herbs will help to melt the mucus in your chest and it will be eliminated automatically. Breathe in the fumes from the steam while you sip on it for a double benefit.


A hot steamy bath or shower can also be extremely helpful. Draw a bath with hot water and let the bathroom steam up as you fill the tub. Pour lemon grass oil into the water and soak in the tub for 20 minutes, you will walk out refreshed.

Blend herbs like ginseng, lemon and lemon grass in your soups and salad preparations for constant doses of the herbs. Sage is an herb that proves to be extremely helpful in the cure of congestion. Brew it with water for about an hour while covering the pot that you are boiling it n. After you switch it off, for the first few minutes, place your head over the vessel so that you can breathe in the aromatic brews. This will help to make eliminate the mucus. Drinking the tea will cause you to melt the mucus and prevent the spread of the infection.

Aromatherapy Chest Congestion Relief

Aromatherapy Chest Congestion Relief

A congested chest can put you in a state of distress. Not being able to breathe, having a runny nose and not being able to concentrate almost puts you out of c





Aromatherapy Chest Congestion Relief
Aromatherapy Chest Congestion Relief

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