The entire 9 months of being pregnant is a very emotional period for a mother. The natural instinct to nurture and care for your unborn child becomes the most important point in your list of priorities.
Seeking medical advice from your doctor before trying any home remedies is the advisable thing to do.
The third trimester only means you are coming closer to child birth and your pregnancy is almost over. During this period, the child gains more weight, opens his / her eyes, bones get fully developed, and toe nails are clearly visible. The baby also begins to detect light.
With the baby is almost fully developed, your body will begin to get more tired. Your back aches will increase; you feel the need to go the bathroom very often, your feet will be swollen, some women also complain of bad dreams related to the well being of the baby.
A woman needs more emotional support and constant pampering. She feels the constant need to be looked after and cared for, especially by her partner. Emotional support from loved ones will help the woman feel emotionally secure.
Pep talks from an older experienced woman like your mother or an aunt can also help.
It is advisable to rest your body as often as possible. Bed rest is not required unless advised by the doctor.
For swollen feet, lie down flat on your back and rest your legs raised up on a pillow. This helps the blood rush back up and provides comfort. Ask someone from your family or a friend to give you a foot rub.
Very rarely will anyone deny you anything during this period, so go ahead take advantage. Jokes apart, the touch of someone who you love will trigger positive emotions and will help you during this period.
Lying down will also help ease your back. Also, don’t bend down to lift anything; neither should you lift anything heavy. If you drop something that is difficult to reach, leave it, nothing is more important than the safety of your baby. Fulares para bebés
Most to be mothers complain of heartburn. Try eating smaller meals 5 to 6 times in a day as it easy to digest smaller portions. Avoid spicy or oily foods that cause acidity.
Other simple things like holding onto to railing when climbing up or down stairs, wearing shoes with a good support and generally watching your step are things that come almost naturally to all moms to be.
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Third Trimester of Pregnancy
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