Herbal Remedies for Nausea




No matter what the cause of nausea is, it can be a great hindrance in your life. From pregnancy related nausea to heartburn the feeling can cause you a lot of distress through out the day. Movement becomes difficult and even the slightest movement can cause you to fell the sensation even after it may have subsided.

Instead of using anti biotic medication that risks your health even further; you can try a few natural remedies to find one that works best for you.

You need to offer your body some nourishment though you may not feel like eating. There are a few food groups that you must stay away from. Start with fish, the smell can turn you off completely and cause you to start feeling uneasy. Do not eat any citric fruits or vegetables. Tomatoes, oranges and limes in any form are not recommended. Avoid eating spicy food as it may cause a sensation of heartburn.


Chocolates can also cause uneasiness and hence you must stay clear of them. Try and avoid caffeine based drinks as it causes your system to get hyper and makes your body work in over drive; thereby causing the symptoms to reappear. You must also avoid dairy products for a few days after the nausea to avoid recurrence of the symptoms. Todo sobre Pinganillos

Eat small amount of salt foods like crackers garnished with herbs like coriander and mint leaves. The herbs help to eliminate the uneasiness that you feel in your stomach.

Brew a cup of tea with an alternative of herbs like peppermint, chamomile, ginger, caraway, ginseng or lavender.

Cook beef in water for about three hours and drink the stock when it cools down to room temperature. The stock will help to overcome the sensations of nausea.

Another quick yet effective remedy is that of acupressure. Make your hands into fists and hold tight for about 20 seconds then release the pressure. Wait for about 5 seconds and repeat. Do this about 20 to 25 times and then rest. You will begin to feel relief from the nausea instantly.

Try and sleep on either side rather than on your back or stomach in order to rest well and avoid feeling sick when you are trying to sleep.

Herbal Remedies for Nausea

Herbal Remedies for Nausea

No matter what the cause of nausea is, it can be a great hindrance in your life. From pregnancy related nausea to heartburn the feeling can cause you a lot of






Herbal Remedies for Nausea
Herbal Remedies for Nausea

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