A common disorder nowadays is the formation of the stones in kidney or urinary tract. Scientifically, it is known as pyeloithiasis. These stones found in the kidney are formed from the chemicals found in urine, which include uric acid, phosphorus, calcium, and oxalic acid. The consistency of the stones varies from grit, sand and gravel to the size of the bird’s egg. The size of the stones may increase or new stones may be formed as the concentration of a particular substance in the urine increases.
Kidney stones are generally formed of calcium oxalate. In case of infection, the kidney stones are formed of calcium phosphate. Calcium is the primary constituent of the kidney stones.
Severe pain is caused when the kidney stones pass from the ureter to the bladder. The pain is initially felt to the side and then moves towards groin and thighs. The kidney stones also causes a desire to urinate frequently, pain during urination, less amount of urine, nausea and vomiting, sweating, and chills. Passage of blood along with the urine might also be experienced by some patients. Todo sobre Hoteles
Defects in general metabolism leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys. High concentration of urine because of heavy perspiration and/or deficiency of fluids in the body cause the kidney stones. Incorrect diet, excessive intake of acidic foods, white flour and sugar products, meat, tea, coffee, condiments and spices, rich foods, and overeating also causes kidney stones. The formation of kidney stones is alleviated because of lack of vitamin A and an excessive intake of vitamin D.
The most effective home remedy for kidney problems are dried French beans, better known as French beans. Break the pods of the kidney beans and remove the beans from inside. Slice the pods. Boil sixty grams of sliced pods in about four liters of water over low flame. Boil it for about four hours. The thick liquid thus obtained should be strained through a fine sieve or a muslin cloth. Then, it should be allowed to cool for about eight hours. The cool fluid should be again poured through the fine sieve or fine muslin cloth.
Home Remedies for Kidney Stones
A common disorder nowadays is the formation of the stones in kidney or urinary tract. Scientifically, it is known as pyeloithiasis. These stones found in the k
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