A type of ectoparasite called head lice, lives on the blood of human being by staying on the scalp. It looks like the body lice but the features and character of these two ectoparasites are purely different. Those who are affected by head lice face a situation like a contagious disease as it gets spread from one person to another person by sharing his or her personal things such as combs, brushes, towels, handkerchiefs, clothes, pillows or hats.
Head to head contact with a lice-infected person can also spread the problem to another person. If you are facing the problem, many people can consider you as a dirty or unhygienic person who does not follow proper cleanliness routine. Head lice are very irritable as the infected person feels an urge to scratch his or her head continuously, which looks and feels weird. Thankfully, there are some effective head lice treatments that can help the sufferers.
Some effective treatments:
Almond is one of the best remedies of this problem as it has a strong effect on head lice. You have to make a mixture by grinding 8 to 10 almonds with 2 to 4 tsp of lemon juice and apply this on your head daily. You can apply a paste that you prepare by adding 10 to 12 almonds with one cup of warm water to your hair as it can eradicate the head lice fast.
Applying another mixture of lemon juice and camphor to your hair is also very useful to reduce the problem in a faster way. The mixture of grinded guava leaves and turmeric powder should be applied on your scalp before an hour of your bath as it is very beneficial to get relief from this syndrome. Calefactor electrico
To get free of head lice, make a paste of some garlic sticks and mix it with 2 to 4 tbsp of lemon juice. After that apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it to dry for about 30 minutes and wash it off with fresh cold water. You can also use the mixture of 4 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of garlic paste over your head. Allow this mixture to soak on your scalp for 2½ hours and wash off with warm water. Continue this application for 4 to 6 times in a month for about 3 months as it can eliminate the head lice problem within a short time.
Prepare a decoction of equal quantity of margosa and basil leaves and rub it over your head gently. Let the paste dry for an hour and clean it off. Again, you can grind some neem seeds and mix the powder with groundnut oil. Then apply it on scalp to eliminate head lice fast.
Applying raw onion juice on the scalp is another healing method of head lice. You should also apply the tea tree oil on your head overnight and remove it next morning by washing thoroughly. To reduce the disorder quickly you can also massage your scalp with mayonnaise oil, leave it for two hours and wash it off. You can also take hot Epsom bath everyday to heal the hazard fast.
Lastly, you should use a clean and separate comb from the other members of your family.
How To Treat Head Lice
A type of ectoparasite called head lice, lives on the blood of human being by staying on the scalp. It looks like the body lice but the features and character
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