Getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby has been a dream for almost every woman in this world. However, for some woman this dream proves to be a big problem because they are not able to conceive and to give birth to a living baby. This problem of failure to reproduce is termed as female infertility. The problem of female infertility is mainly because a woman is not able to perform sex perfectly. Sometimes it is due to functional fault of the reproductive organ or due to some physical fault.
Unhealthy living pattern, consumption of unhealthy diet for long term can be factors leading to the physical fault. In some cases the diseases like constipation, leucorrhoea and anemia can result in the problem of female infertility. The other problems which may be responsible for female infertility include improper functioning of metabolic system, essential glands loss, obesity etc.
Due to the problem of infertility a woman may undergo various disorders including stress, prolonged anxiety, depression, constipation, lack of interest in the world around, lack of appetite etc. If you are facing the problem of infertility you should avoid taking alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee, fried foods, greasy and fatty foods etc because these things can make the symptoms worse. Innovacion y creatividad
Consumption of healthy diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals is very helpful in treatment of sterility. Unfortunately medical science is not yet able to discover medicine which can cure female infertility successfully. However, there are a number of home base treatments which can be very helpful in treatment of female infertility. Consumption of various vitamins like A, B, C and E has been proved to be helpful in treatment of infertility. Taking vitamin C, E and some amount of zinc on a regular basis can avoid the problem of infertility in women.
Winter cherry is a common herb used for the treatment of female infertility. It is very helpful in treatment of this problem. You can take 5 to 8 grams of winter cherry powder with milk while going to bed in the night. Taking this for 5 to 7 days after periods can help a woman in becoming pregnant or in performing a perfect sex act. Banyan roots are another very effective remedy for female infertility. Taking about 25 grams of banyan root powder for 3 to 4 day after menstruation while going to bed in the night will increase the chances of getting pregnant.
Treating Infertility With Herbs
Getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby has been a dream for almost every woman in this world. However, for some woman this dream proves to be a big proble
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