Herbal Treatment For Liver Disease




Liver is a vital organ which is necessary for the normal functioning of our body. According to Ayurveda, fire is the element that sustains life. Though fire is present in every cell of our body, it is primarily located in the abdominal area.

Liver is the largest chemical processing organ in our body and hence it is termed as ‘the seat of fire’ in ayurveda.

Liver is susceptible to many diseases due to its nature of function. It can get damaged even by paracetamol that we take for fever. Normally we do not think about hepatic care, unless some signs such as inflammation or jaundice appear.

There are so many herbs available in Mother Nature that helps in treating naturally without any side effects. liver diseases Rubia cordifolia, commonly known as Madder, is a detoxifier, an antiseptic and anti-diabetic.


This herb is used to cure and strengthen liver from infections. Coscinium fenestratum is a medicinal plant known for its anti-diabetic property. The stem of this plant is administered in those patients who are suffering from hepatic cancer. It is also used for treating inflammation and jaundice.

Coccinia grandis (ivy guard) is yet another plant which is used for treating inflammation and jaundice. Its fruit, leaves and root are used for preparing medicines. Cyperus rotundus called as coco-grass or purple nut sedge is given to young children to rectify digestive problems due to liver malfunction. Hedyotis corymbosa is a plant which helps to reduce the damage caused to liver cells. Whole plant is used for preparing medicines. Vinos de Granada

It is also used in treating hepatitis and jaundice. The bark of Butea monosperma or Flame of the Forest or Parrot Tree is also helpful in treating liver diseases. It helps to detoxify the cells of liver thereby speeding up its rejuvenation and recovery. Azadirachta inaica or Neem tree or Margosa tree is used to treat inflammation due to liver diseases.

Its bark, leaves, flowers, seed and oil are useful in preparing medicines. Bacopa monnieri or Water hyssop is used to treat inflammation and debility of the body due to liver diseases. Both Neem and Water Hyssop helps to bring the bilirubin level under control.

There are a lot of herbs used for hepatic care. But each of those herbs varies according to the nature of the disease, an only exception being Phyllanthus amarus or Seed-Under- Leaf which is used as a first aid for any liver disorder.

Herbal Treatment For Liver Disease

Herbal Treatment For Liver Disease

Liver is a vital organ which is necessary for the normal functioning of our body. According to Ayurveda, fire is the element that sustains life. Though fire is






Herbal Treatment For Liver Disease
Herbal Treatment For Liver Disease

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