Due to fast life pattern today, the problems like stress, strain, tension and anxiety have become very common. These disorders often lead to the problems like headache, constipation, heaviness in head, digestive disorders etc. We are trying everything to get rid of these problems but are not able to find out the actual cause.
We try to reduce the symptoms but are not able to cure the disease. In most of the cases, it has been observed that if we can avoid stress, tension from our life, these problems will automatically get solved. Heaviness in head is one among these common problems. Almost every tenth person among those who have a headache or head related problem, has a problem of heaviness in head. They try using remedies which are used for headache, but get disappointed as the heaviness remains as usual.
Constipation is one of the major causes of heaviness in head. Drinking water early in the morning may avoid constipation and therefore can give relief from heaviness in head. Constipation is least expected in a well hydrated body, therefore drink more than sufficient amount of water in a day. Consumption of fruits and vegetables which are rich in water content is also helpful in avoiding constipation. Meditation is also a good remedy for avoiding constipation in head. Prodotti top
Meditation keeps our mind calm and keeps us physically fit. A regular and sensible exercise is also helpful. Fenugreek seeds are helpful in reducing heaviness in head. Take some fenugreek seeds, dissolve them in water in a bowl, and leave it for four to five hours. Now make soup of these soaked seeds. Take this soup in the night. You will find a relief in both the constipation and the heaviness in head.
Turmeric has been proved to be very effective in heaviness in head. Take 250 ml of warm water, add 1 teaspoonful of turmeric powder in it, and take this mixture. The results will be amazing. The heaviness in mind will get reduced very quickly. The smoke of burning turmeric stick is also helpful in reducing heaviness in head. Take an oil lamp, burn a turmeric stick in it, inhale the smoke coming out of it, the heaviness will get reduced very quickly. If the heaviness in head is consistent is remains for a long time, consulting a doctor is advisable.
Home Remedies for Headache
Due to fast life pattern today, the problems like stress, strain, tension and anxiety have become very common. These disorders often lead to the problems like
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