Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs. It is caused by bacteria and viruses. Often it is the aftermath of a severe cold and influenza. When you breathe in the germs, they go straight to the lungs and attack them and disable them to fight the infection. There is high fever, chest pain and weakness.
Phlegm collects in the bronchial tubes as a result of which the breath becomes short and there is a lot of coughing of mucous. Sometimes the body is beset with chills and chattering teeth. This disease occurs in all age groups but people suffering from chronic asthma, heart disease and diabetes are more likely to incur it. In older adults the symptoms of pneumonia are milder but it causes delirium in most cases.
Treat Pneumonia With Simple And Natural Remedies
Pepper abounds in antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals which are of great value in preventing a number of diseases and promoting good health. Its antioxidant properties remove the harmful free radicals from the body and initiate quick healing.
Its anti-inflammatory properties provide relief from pain, congestion and inflammation. Pound coarsely one teaspoon of pepper and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Eat this mixture twice everyday. The mucous will dry up and the coughing will abate very quickly.
Betel Leaf
Betel leaf has a vast number of healing and curative properties and has been used since time immemorial in the treatment of various diseases and ailments. This leaf is rich in vitamin C which is a great antioxidant. Its volatile oils are rich in phenols and terpenes. It removes congestion from the chest and relieves chest pains. Extract the juice of two betel leaves mix it with a teaspoon of honey and take every morning and at night before going to bed.
Mustard Oil
Mustard oil is remarkable for its nourishing and healing properties. It has strong stimulating properties which improve circulation and boost immunity. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties are useful in eradicating all sorts of infections. AFrutados todo sobre frutas
Warm some mustard oil and massage the chest and ribcage with it for twenty minutes. Afterwards wrap the chest with a warm woolen cloth. The oil’s heat giving properties dissipates the mucous, relieves the pain and makes breathing easier. Use the massage three times daily.
Also Read
Pneumonia Symptoms And Effective Home remedies
Causes, Remedies And Preventive Measures Foe Pneumonia
Pneumonia in Adults – Treat Naturally
Symptoms And Treatment of Pneumonia
Garlic is most essential for human health as it cures a large number of diseases and ailments. Including garlic in some dish of every meal is the surest way of keeping away infections and maintaining a disease free body. Its antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties deal efficiently and quickly with all kinds of infections and propound the body on a healthy path. Chew three cloves of garlic every morning. It will soon clear the bronchial tubes of mucous and make the lungs strong.
Ginger is very useful in doing away with the symptoms of pneumonia. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic properties eradicate the infection, expel the mucous from the bronchial tubes and strengthen the lungs.
Grate a big piece of ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water. Boil for three minutes then strain the concoction. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink this mixture three times a day.
Home Remedies For Pneumonia
Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs. It is caused by bacteria and viruses. Often it is the aftermath of a severe cold and influenza. When you breathe in the ge
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