Home Remedies for Sore Breast After Ovulation




Sore breast is a common problem that is found to occur just after ovulation. With the onset of conception, a lot of changes are found to occur in a woman’s body.

Not only does the body go through a number of hormonal changes, a lot of physical changes also take place at the same time. The key changes that are found to occur are the changes in the appearance of the breast.

For the first few weeks, the breasts begin to swell and the sensitivity as well as the tenderness reaches its height during this period. The nipples start enlarging and the veins on the surface of the breast become prominent.


At this particular time the breast becomes sore and might ache just for no reason. There is no reason to panicky as a lot of home remedies are available to take care of the sore breasts:

Cool compress: Cool compress is extremely helpful for the reduction of the swelling and the soreness of the breasts. The cool packs helps in the soothing of the breasts and also helps to unwind any kind of tightness of the breast that has lead to the breasts becoming sore and tender. Comprar freidoras baratas para casa e industriales

Essential oil treatment: Sore breast can be cured with the help of massaging of certain essential oils on the breast in a slow, soft movement. After ovulation, when the breasts tend to swell and enlarge, cracks are formed on the nipples of the breasts causing it to become more tender and sore. Massaging the breast with Lanolin or sweet almond oil helps to prevent the cracks and the chapped nipples thereby reducing the tendency towards sore breasts.

Calendula: Calendula is a useful remedy for sore breasts. The cream or ointment made from this herb not only helps to prevent cracked nipples causing the sore breasts but also can be used for the treating injuries on the breast.

Tight bra:
Women going through the period of ovulation should avoid wearing tight bras and that too for a long period of time. Instead, wearing of bras with flaps help in treating sore breast problem.

Home Remedies for Sore Breast After Ovulation

Home Remedies for Sore Breast After Ovulation

Sore breast is a common problem that is found to occur just after ovulation. With the onset of conception, a lot of changes are found to occur in a woman’s b






Home Remedies for Sore Breast After Ovulation
Home Remedies for Sore Breast After Ovulation

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