Honey is the most beautiful creation of nature. The golden liquid can give any modern age beauty treatment a run for its money. If used in its pure form, honey can yield excellent results.
Apart from imparting a natural glow to the skin, it also helps in making it smooth. Honey also has huge antioxidant properties. It is a natural antioxidant which prevents premature ageing of the skin and retains its elasticity. Apart from being a good moisturizer, honey also has sunscreen properties. Infact, many herbal sunscreen lotions have honey as one of the key ingredients. Be it hair, hands or face, honey is an absolute add on to any home beauty treatment.
The best and easiest way to use honey in homemade beauty treatments, perhaps is to prepare a honey based scrub. Read on to find out how to make some good honey scrub right in the comforts of your home. This scrub has the goodness of honey teamed with the exfoliating quality of sugar and oatmeal.
Things Needed For Homemade Honey Scrub
Pure Honey (Try hunting organic shops, farms for pure honey)
Brown sugar
Mixing bowl
Essential oil of your choice (Lavender, peppermint work best)
Wooden or plastic spoon
The Procedure
Pour out around 10-12 tablespoons of honey in the mixing bowl. You can test honey’s purity before this step by adding a tablespoon of honey in a glass of jar. If it mixes with the water, it is impure and if it sinks down like a lump, it is pure.
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Add around 6 tablespoons of brown sugarand ¼ cup of oatmeal to the honey and mix well. Crush the oatmeal coarsely as it will help in a better blending of the ingredients. Any good quality brand of oats is a wise choice.
After this, add 6-7 drops of the essential oil of your choice. Mix well to avoid any unmixed lump. Be wise to choose the essential oil. Do not go for non-trusted brands which are available loose on the counter. The type of essential oil is again your choice. This recipe requires essential oil to add to its relaxing properties. The safest oils which can be teamed with honey are chamomile, rose, lavender, mint. Choose according to your taste of fragrance.
Your honey scrub is ready to use. You can use this as a body scrub as well. Apply this scrub and massage in circular motion. Leave on for sometime for your skin to soak up the goodness of the scrub. Rinse with preferably lukewarm water and pat dry with the help of a clean towel.
This scrub works wonders for oily skin as well. The best thing to do with this scrub is to be gentle. Massage gently on your skin so that the heat warms up the sugar crystals. This scrub is very effective against blackheads. Follow a beauty regime with this scrub every week for radiant and clean skin. This scrub should not be stored as it defeats the purpose of scrubbing. The whole idea is to make it fresh every time you are applying this scrub.
Homemade Honey Scrub
Honey is the most beautiful creation of nature. The golden liquid can give any modern age beauty treatment a run for its money. If used in its pure form, honey
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