The moment research proved that chocolate is good for health I was the happiest woman on earth. I always used chocolates as my back up plan on days of emotional trauma or for days when I just didn’t feel like myself and like most women hated myself for binging the next morning and dreaded the fact that I loaded up on calories. It almost felt like adding insult to injury, but after the breakthrough research my happiness knew no bounds.
Research proves that chocolates made from cocoa have natural health promoting substances called flavonoids. Since this helps in the prevention of heart related diseases may seem tempting but do not over indulge either. The issue is that chocolates tend to make you feel less hungry and they do not substitute vegetables and fruits in any way. So don’t grab a candy bar every time you have hunger pangs, they are not a replacement for the healthy celery stick that you chomped on so often.
The rise of the anti oxidants help protect damage to the heart and blood vessels while guarding the DNA that can lead to Cancer. It also helps the flow of the blood vessels and reduces inflammation.
We are already aware of the emotional benefits that chocolate gives us. By liberating the endorphins, chocolates provide us a feeling of security, well being, energy and pleasure. My best friend states that a good bar of candy is even better than sex. I wish not to comment on that topic.
However you weight the benefits of chocolate you must keep in mind that chocolate loads you with calories. A small piece will ad 50 calories but a bar or and energy bar can stock you upto 200 calories. I would rather you stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables for they are loaded with minerals and nutrients that have longer lasting benefits than any candy bar can provide.
Chocolate to Improve Health
The moment research proved that chocolate is good for health I was the happiest woman on earth. I always used chocolates as my back up plan on days of emotiona
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