It is a well known fact that smoking affects one’s health in various ways and causes a fall in the mortality rate. However it is interesting to know that smoking also causes loss of hearing. Here is an account about how smoking causes loss of hearing; permanently and temporarily.
Nicotine inhaled while smoking causes various side-effects to health like increase in heart problems, hypertension, breathing problems and cancer. Besides nicotine also causes loss of hearing. Nicotine is an ototoxic drug that produces various side-effects on the ear like hearing disorders, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo. Besides nicotine is known to constrict the blood vessels of the body causes suffocation and damage and this applies to the tiny blood vessels even in the ears. It cuts off blood supply and oxygen to the inner ear. This is not good for the hair cells causing them to become less effective and ultimately causing temporary loss of hearing.
The other aspect is that nicotine produces free radicals which are not good for the body and health in general. These free radicals causes damage in the health and it is all the more applies to the free radicals that enter the inner ears. They could even damage or kill the cells and can cause permanent loss of hearing. Armario escobero
Besides smoking affects the health and efficiency of the ears making them highly sensitive to loud sound and noises. Then loud sounds can cause still higher sensitivity to the ears; much higher than a non-smoker. This is even sure to cause permanent damage to the ears and causing loss of hearing.
It is a well-known fact that as a person reaches his/her 50′s they are prone by natural forces to go through a natural process of difficulty of hearing. Smoking could aggravate this condition and make life more miserable as one grows older. Hence dear folks, who smoke and get a temporary kick of moods, do give up smoking for your own benefit to enjoy good health and a good power of hearing. Anyone who understands the effect of smoking that causes hearing loss will be sure to think twice before he lights one more cigarette or cigar.
Smoking Link to Hearing Loss Risk
It is a well known fact that smoking affects one’s health in various ways and causes a fall in the mortality rate. However it is interesting to know that smo
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