How To Cure Swimmers Ear Naturally




Swimmers ear is a type of problem which usually results in a mild irritation and blockage of ears. This is not a serious illness but should be treated properly in order to prevent the ailment from being persistent and creating lot more problems like auditory damages. The problem arises due to the entry of water into the ears resulting in softening of the resistant skin layers of ears. A number of home remedies are available in the case of swimmers ear and some effective remedies among them are mentioned below.

Causes Of Swimmers Ear

Entry of bacteria or fungi into the ears through contaminated water can be considered as an important cause for swimmers ear. Use of certain hair sprays, dyes, shampoos etc. can cause infection of ears resulting in swimmers ear. Cleaning ears using sharp objects may also cause ear infections. Swimming, bathing and some times being in rain may also result in the problem of swimmers ear. People suffering from diseases like diabetes, eczema, psoriasis etc. are found to be more easily affected by the problem of swimmers ear. Infection caused in the middle ear can generate the problem of swimmers ear and hence is a cause for the same.


Symptoms Of Swimmers Ear

Itching in the ear is one among the chief symptoms of the swimmers ear. The person may also have an intense pain in the ears. The person may experience a sharp pain inside the ear which can be considered as a major warning sign for the swimmers ear. Blocking of ears may result in a decreased hearing which is another main symptom for the problem. Earwax may become soft and the person may feel something heavy inside the ears.

Yellowish fluid discharges from the ears are one of the significant symptoms of swimmers ear. The outer skin of the ears may appear to have scales. Puffiness of the lymph nodes is another major symptom of the swimmers ear. Ear movements become sensitive due to the swimmers ear infection.

Home Remedies For Swimmers Ear

White vinegar is verified to be very efficient in the treatment of swimmers ears. A little of white vinegar can be put near the ear canal of both ears and can be left as such for about 5 minutes. This can be repeated as a minimum of two times a day for the best results of treatment.

Apple cider vinegar is helpful in the case of water being clogged in the ears. The vinegar should be diluted with same amount of water or alcohol. This can very effectively help in checking further infection of ears and hence is used as a home remedy for the problem.

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Putting two to three drops of heated baby oil can be also considered as a good home remedy in the case of swimmers ear. Heated baby oil can be put by drops using a dropper into both the ears and can be left as such for about 5 minutes. This can be helpful in curing the swimmers ear as well as preventing further infections. Noticias del cadiz

Garlic is proved as one of the significant home remedy for the problem of swimmers ear. Due to the antibacterial properties of garlic, it is used as a medicine for a variety of diseases. A little of garlic oil can be put in to both ears using a dropper. This is found to be useful in curing the problem at a faster rate.

Hydrogen peroxide is one among the commonly used remedies for swimmers ear. Rinsing the affected ear using a few drops of hydrogen peroxide can be helpful in curing almost all types of ear infections. Rinsing out the affected ear using a simple saline solution can also cure the problem of swimmers ear.

Rubbing alcohol in the ear is an efficient way of curing the problem of swimmers ear. A cotton ball can be soaked in the alcohol and can be gently scrubbed over the ear canal which is very helpful in curing the problem. This may sometimes worsen the pain instead of providing a sudden relief.

A mixture of equal amounts of white vinegar, water and peroxide is also proved excellent in the treatment of swimmers ear. This mixture can be used for rubbing inside the affected ear which is helpful in curing as well as preventing further infection.

The ears can be dried using a hair dryer by gently swaying across the ears. This finds to be risky as this may end up with severe burns if not cared properly. Application of warm compresses is also proved to be very useful in the treatment of swimmers ear and is one among the commonly used home remedies.

Salt being a drying agent, it can be used in the treatment of swimmers ear. About a hand full of rock salt can be filled in soak and can be warmed. This patient may lay on the soak, with the infected ear next to it. This can very effectively help in draining out the water and hence preventing the infection.

Tips To Prevent Swimmers Ear

Applying a little of oil inside the ears, before swimming can be helpful in draining out the water and hence preventing the problem of swimmers ear. Dragging the ears in many directions after swimming can be helpful in draining out the water.Swimming in polluted water should be completely avoided as this is the main cause for the infection. Using an earplug is found to be useful in stopping the entry of water into the ear tract while swimming and hence can prevent infections.

Do not use sharp objects to clean out the ears as this can create infections, instead you can use a piece of soft cloth for cleaning your ears. Using a swim cap can be helpful in preventing the entry of water into ear canals. Select a swim cap that covers your ears tightly. Protect your ears from chemicals, dusts, hair sprays and other cosmetics as entry of these may cause infection in the ear tract.

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How To Cure Swimmers Ear Naturally

How To Cure Swimmers Ear Naturally

Swimmers ear is a type of problem which usually results in a mild irritation and blockage of ears. This is not a serious illness but should be treated properly





How To Cure Swimmers Ear Naturally
How To Cure Swimmers Ear Naturally

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