How to Give a Foot Scrub




At the end of the day most people wish that they could get a personal masseuse who would massage their feet and help relieve the aches and pains that the experience. This as we all know is not possible as it would be expensive however there are a few natural home remedies which are inexpensive and can be used to help anyone get rid off sore and tired feet.

A great way to help relieve tired and sore feet is to use a salt scrub. Now some of you would wonder why a scrub and not just soak your feet. A scrub helps you circulate blood to your feet which is more than just soaking your feet in warm water. There are various different salt scrubs that you could experiment with. These salt scrubs can be made with common household items. If you want to get soft silky legs in a short time then read on follow the given steps.


First of all you would need an empty jam or jelly jar. If you don’t have one at hand them try and procure one or the next time you come across one of these don’t throw it away however preserve it as it would come in handy. Clean the jar thoroughly with warm water and soap and allow it to dry completely. The next thing that you would have to do is fill the jar with Epsom salt about half way or three quarters if you prefer more salt. Epsom salt helps to extract impurities and reduces pain in aching or sore muscles. Todo sobre el cafe

Extra virgin Olive oil which is used for cooking would be required as well. Pour the oil into the jar till it is at least an inch above the salt. If you would like to add some aroma to your scrub then you could add some pure almond extract and stir the ingredients all together. For a mild scent add about a tablespoon of the extract however for a stronger scent put more almond extract into the mixture after mixing it all together thoroughly.

Place this jar in a dry cool place and whenever you feel the urge to relieve your sore feet then shake it up to mix all the ingredients together which could separate if kept for a long period of time and use it gently on your tired feet.

How to Give a Foot Scrub

How to Give a Foot Scrub

At the end of the day most people wish that they could get a personal masseuse who would massage their feet and help relieve the aches and pains that the exper





How to Give a Foot Scrub
How to Give a Foot Scrub

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