The front teeth that are visible are formed even before birth in the mother’s womb and are hidden under your gums. They will start erupting after birth and this process begins within 11 months. For your child’s first birthday you will be able to see atleast 2 teeth. It will be the front two teeth either top or bottom.
As a parent it is your duty to ensure that the child is receiving the right amount of nutrients in order to ensure that they child has strong teeth. Include calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and C in your child’s diet. You must follow a healthy diet as well in case you are still breast feeding.
You can give your child plenty of dairy products like milk and cheese as they are a rich source of Calcium. Vegetables, cereal and supplements will compliment the amount of calcium required. The sun is the best source of Vitamin D and if you are breast feeding then the best thing you can do is to take supplements. Most citrus fruits, raw tomatoes and cabbage will add to your Vitamin C intake. Mejores Opiniones y reviews
Keeping a healthy diet; one must also begin to care for the child teeth as early as possible. If your child is feeding by the bottle then take care to avoid the child falling asleep with the bottle in the mouth. Bacteria form in the mouth and attack the child’s teeth and gums.
When the child has finished a meal care must be taken to wipe the mouth so that no food particles are logged anywhere in the mouth or between teeth. Take a small washcloth or muslin cloth and wet it with warm water. Use it to clean the child’s tongue and run it along the inner mouth and teeth.
If you feel that there as re milk deposits on the child’s tongue and that merely washing it with a wet cloth does not help then you must boil fennel seeds in water. Use this brew to clean the child’s tongue. Just dip the cloth in the water and wipe the child’s tongue.
How To Help Your Children To Have Strong Teeth
The front teeth that are visible are formed even before birth in the mother’s womb and are hidden under your gums. They will start erupting after birth and t
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