Honey has been used as a medicine since ancient times. It has high levels of antioxidants and as a result it helps to fight against free radicals that cause harm to the body. There are many ways to use honey and the best part is that you can eat as much honey as you like since it is extremely low in calories.
Honey has anti bacterial properties. It is thus known to be helpful in curing cuts and wounds. The thick gel like substance helps to heal the wound, help with blood clotting and also break down bacteria and prevent them from growing back. It has proved to be effective in preventing wounds and infections and shortens the healing process.
For any infections of the throat honey is extremely beneficial. If you have a common cold or cough or flu you must have a spoon of honey or add it to hot water with a pinch of salt and gargle your mouth with it. It will heal your throat and reduce the soreness and itchiness.
If you have flu or common cold is causing congestion in your throat then you must mix hot water and honey with ginger juice. The mix will get rid of the congestion and your flu will be cured as a result of it. Comprar freidoras baratas para casa e industriales
Honey is beneficial for your skin. Most home remedies ask you to mix honey with fuller’s earth and make a face pack in order to get rid of pimples and acne breakouts. You can also use honey with almonds as a facial scrub. Or simply paint a layer of honey on to your face and wash it after 15 minutes. You face will feel soft and moisturized. Honey has a natural bleaching effect and adding it to any skin treatment will helps to lighten your skin tone.
If your hair is looking dull and lifeless then you must mix water and honey and rinse your hair with it. This helps to increase the shine in your hair and keeps your hair healthy.
For diabetic patients honey is the safest way to sweeten their food. Since it is high in fructose, it is absorbed slowly by the blood and hence does not increase glucose levels in the blood.
You must have a spoon of honey at night daily before you go to bed. The vitamins and minerals that you get from this nectar is extremely beneficial to your health.
How to Use Honey to Improve Your Health
Honey has been used as a medicine since ancient times. It has high levels of antioxidants and as a result it helps to fight against free radicals that cause ha
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