The cosmetic industry rakes in money by the millions in the sales of cosmetics that are formulated for different skin types and different issues. Little d owe as consumers know that these cosmetics are most often laced with chemicals and are tested on animals. The bet form of beautification, in my opinion is to use natural products for the upkeep of your skin.
An important facial care product is a mask. They normally help to clean the facial skin and to tighten the pores on your face. You need not go hunting for products that help you to do this. Simply take the white of an egg and add some sugar to it. Beat the eggs and sugar to form a foam and paint this on your face and along your neck. Let it dry and then wash it off with warm water. You will feel the instant tightness. You will also notice that your pores are comparatively smaller than they were before.
Another product that you need regularly is facial and body scrubs. While they are available a dime a dozen over the counter; you can also use the products that you have in your kitchen cabinets. Soak oatmeal in a few drops of water and use it to exfoliate your skin. Another product that would be of some help is almonds. Soak a handful of the nuts in water overnight and then grind them to a thick paste, mix the cream of the milk with the almonds and use this to exfoliate the skin on your body and your face.
Another product that you need daily is astringent. Most of the cosmetic astringents are alcohol based and they cause harm to your skin as they dry the skin on your face. Instead of using a cosmetic product; dab a cotton ball in some witch hazel and then roll it all over your skin. You will have a cleaner and more radiant complexion.
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