Neck Pain Causes




Various factors like occupation involving continuous leaning, tension at work place, a soft mattress, poor posture, muscle diseases, injuries etc can result in neck pain. In some cases it is too painful to tolerate and neck movement becomes very miserable. The high mobility and complex structure of the neck muscles make it very prone to strain and stress.

Moreover, apart from it movement during physical activities, neck support the head of our body. We experience neck pain when emotional or physical stress reduces the blood supply to the neck muscles. This decreased blood supply is the basic reason for the stiffness and pain in the neck muscles.

Hence, messaging the neck muscles to increase the blood supply is the best way to ease the pain and stiffness. Mild exercise is also very effective in reducing the neck pain. If you feel that your neck pain is due to emotional stress, remedies which reduce the stress or tension will be very helpful.


When we experience pain in any part of our body, almost everyone goes for medications or the pain killers for a quick relief from pain. However, a regular and long term consumption of these medications can lead to the other health complications. Hence, it is wise to avoid these medications and to go for some home based remedies which are all free from any sort of side effect. Armario escobero

Apart from this, these remedies are cost effective and easy to use. As discussed above the basic reason for neck pain is the problem of blood supply to the neck muscles, heating can be the best way to ease the neck pain causes heating improves the blood circulation in our body. We can use a cloth (may be towel), hot bottle or a hot shower to heat the affected part. This will increase the blood circulation of whole body and will give relief from the neck pain.

Applying ice to the affected area is also a good remedy. It reduces the pain and inflammation and gives a quick relief. Put the ice bag in the affected area for 20 minutes or more. Various exercises involving slow movement of neck are also helpful in reducing the neck pain. However we should do these exercises in supervision of an expert to avoid adverse results. If the pain is consistent and growing everyday, we should consult a doctor.

Neck Pain Causes

Neck Pain Causes

Various factors like occupation involving continuous leaning, tension at work place, a soft mattress, poor posture, muscle diseases, injuries etc can result in





Neck Pain Causes
Neck Pain Causes

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