How To Treat Cholera Naturally




An infectious disease called cholera is mainly caused because of the ingestion of food and consumption of impure water. It is the most panicked diarrheal disease that can occur anytime, but it mostly strikes during summer. You can avoid cholera symptoms and recover from its effects by following some effective diet.

Take a diet treatment to get relief from the curse-

Treatment for cholera with diet tips

Due to this epidemic, fluid content of the body is reduced. You must make up for the lost fluids and for that, you should drink lots of water or green coconut water several times in a day.


Certain foods like lemon, onion, guava and green chilies are favorable in the healing process of cholera. Try to include these food items in your meals to help quick recovery. In fact, you can take lemon juice several times in a day. Extract the juice of lemon and take it as a sweet or salty beverage.

Make a decoction of 30 grams guava’s root bark with 500 ml water and boil it until it gets reduced to one-third portion. The decoction, which should be taken twice in a day, is good for the treatment of cholera.

Onion is the other helpful remedy for cholera. Make a mixture by pounding 15 grams onion and four black peppers. You can also take half tsp of limejuice combined with white onion juice and consume it regularly. These are beneficial diet tips for cholera by using onion. Viajes y turismo

The flowers of peach are very useful to treat cholera. The peach flowers and leaves can be converted into syrup form and then it should be given to the sufferers. You can also extract juice of the fresh drumstick tree leaves. After that make a mixture of one tsp of this drumstick leaf-juice, one tsp honey and almost half-cup of coconut water and consume it twice or thrice daily. It helps the patient to get relief from the disease quickly.

There are some diet tips that you can have during breakfast, lunch and dinner. During breakfast, you should take fresh fruits and a glass of milk with honey. At the launch time, diet should consist of steamed vegetables and wheat tortilla with butter. A glass of buttermilk may be taken with the meal. You can also take curd by mixing it with softened rice as it will help ion faster recovery.

For dinner, fresh vegetable salad with dressing limejuice and a glass of buttermilk should be taken by the sufferers.

How To Treat Cholera Naturally

How To Treat Cholera Naturally

An infectious disease called cholera is mainly caused because of the ingestion of food and consumption of impure water. It is the most panicked diarrheal disea





How To Treat Cholera Naturally
How To Treat Cholera Naturally

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