Inaugurating season means a change of weather, customs and also food. The autumn comes and with it new flavors to add to the dishes to make them more appetizing and especially healthier. Legumes, blue fish or mushrooms are some of the most demanded foods during this time of year. The Bodega de los Secretos restaurant now explains what 8 foods should not be missing in the pantry this fall, while inviting to taste its brilliant proposal
Inaugurating station means a change of climate, customs and also food. It is already here in the autumn and with it new flavors to add to the dishes to make them more appetizing and, above all, much healthier. Legumes, nuts or mushrooms are some of the best foods to consume during this season. Next, Bodega of Secrets explains the best foods to consume this fall:
First, mushrooms and mushrooms, which dThey are, above all, high in proteins of biological value, although they are also rich in iron, phosphorus and potassium, vital minerals for the organism to work properly.
Trigger asparagus. It is the most diuretic food of the Mediterranean diet. Recommended for people suffering from fluid retention or kidney disease. With them you can make a multitude of combinations, from scrambles or rice, to serve them as a companion of meats and fish.
Blue fish (salmon, sardines, tuna...) Depending on the fish it is, its mineral content can become 25 times greater than any other animal food. Being rich in Omega 3, they are recommended to keep the bones strong and also contain a multitude of antioxidants and vitamin B and C, good for the nervous system.
Pumpkin and pumpkin. Its high water content and low contribution, both of calories and carbohydrates, makes them perfect as a companion on any dish. Moniteurs pc - critiques
Legumes (lens, chickpeas, peas, inhabits...). Feared under the myth of being the most fatty food, they are the basis of Mediterranean cuisine and contain vitamins, magnesium and soy.
Coles from Brussels. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, are highly recommended to lower cholesterol, treat diabetes and control tension.
The lettuce, escarola. .. The salad is the most popular dish when it is lacking in appetite, but the truth is that lettuce is rich in antioxidants and the best food to use when you want to lose weight, since it has barely calories.
Dry fruits (scrackers, almonds, cashews,...) It is not appropriate to abuse them, since the nuts have a great calorie contribution. But, without a doubt, they are something that should not be lacking in any diet, due to the amount of iron, phosphorus, vitamins and nutrients that contribute to the organism.
At the thread of this theme, the Bodega de los Secretos restaurant presents its Tataki dish of red tuna Balfegó with sesame and garlic foam. The red tuna is a blue fish, which contains a lot of Omega 3, antioxidants and vitamins B and C, perfect for these autumnal months.
About Bodega of Secrets
Bodega de los Secrets is a restaurant in the center of Madrid located in a rehabilitated wineries of the s. XVII. In it the cuisine is a Mediterranean avant-garde and draws attention to its space, which makes the comensal feel in an oasis in the heart of the city. Its walls are filled with bacons, domes, arches and ornamented pechines.
Its gastronomic offer is made up of all kinds, an exquisite selection of meats, fish and rice and a delicious dessert menu to finish any meal or evening in the best way.
Calle de San Blas, 4, 28014 Madrid
914 29 03 96
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Bodega de los Secretos explains what are the 8 essential foods of autumn
Inaugurating season means a change of weather, customs and also food. The autumn comes and with it new flavors to add to the dishes to make them more appetizin
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