The temperature drop, increased humidity in the environment and sudden thermal changes make up a perfect cocktail for colds and falls in autumn. To prevent or cope with them in the best way, it is important to adopt a healthy and balanced diet that enhances defenses. From the Bodega de los Secretos restaurant, located in the oldest winery in Madrid, tell what the nutrients are necessary to be healthy at this station
Vitamin C. It is one of the most demanded vitamins during the winter, as in addition to being a powerful antioxidant, it helps to strengthen the immune system. An extra dose of Vitamin C will help relieve the symptoms of the cold and shorten its duration. Some of the foods that contain it are kiwi, orange, red pepper, parsley, etc.
Vitamin B3. This vitamin is the main one responsible for keeping mucuses in normal conditions, so it is so important to eat foods that contain it during the winter. Red meat, fish, tomatoes, chicken or eggs are some of the foods rich in Vitamin B3.
Vitamin A. This nutrient benefits the formation and maintenance of bone and soft tissues, those of mucous membranes, those of the teeth... and can be found in milk, butter, cheese cheddarlettuce or pumpkin, among others.
Vitamin D. It is the so-called “solar vitamin”, as it can be synthesized in the skin in response to UVB radiation. It is also present in eggs, meat, blue fish, milk, etc. Blog sobre salud
Folic acid. Folic acid helps to create white blood cells, their absence in the organism leads to decrease the production of these and that one is more susceptible to infections (catars, flu, etc.). The best sources of folic acid are legumes, rice, bread, broccoli or cereals.
Omega 3. Omega 3 is a nutrient that improves the defenses, while providing more energy to those who swallow it. Among the products with the highest levels of Omega 3 are fish, especially blue ones; Omega 3 can also be found in avocado, in nuts or in oats, among others.
About Bodega of Secrets
Bodega de los Secrets is a restaurant in the center of Madrid located in a rehabilitated wineries of the s. XVII. In it the cuisine is a Mediterranean avant-garde and draws attention to its space, which makes the comensal feel in an oasis in the heart of the city. Its walls are filled with bacons, domes, arches and ornamented pechines.
Its gastronomic offer is made up of all kinds, an exquisite selection of meats, fish and rice and a delicious dessert menu to finish any meal or evening in the best way.
Calle de San Blas, 4, 28014 Madrid
914 29 03 96
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Bodega of Secrets explains how defenses can be cared for with food
The temperature drop, increased humidity in the environment and sudden thermal changes make up a perfect cocktail for colds and falls in autumn. To prevent or
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