The changua is a dish with a lot of flavor, representative of the gastronomyto colombianYour preparationn leads to the combinationn of various flavors that become a perfect amalgamation of flavor and texture.
Although it is eaten throughout Colombia, its place of origin and highest consumption is Bogotá.The changua is ideal to alleviate the coldo and be able to withstand the highest temperaturess casualties of the city.
Its preparationn is one of the mosts simple you will gets in gastronomyto Colombian, since it is enough to have the ingredients at hand and mix them to offer a mixture of flavors that will maken an explosionn on your palate.
Necessary ingredients to prepare a delicious changua
- 3 cups of water.
- 3 cups of milk.
- 6 eggs.
- 5 sprigs of fresh coriander.
- 3 long onions.
- Salt to taste.
- Cheese
Preparationn of the changua with cheese
- Bring the water and milk to a boil in a pot.
- Seasoned by adding salt to taste.
- Once both ingredients come to a boil, add the raw eggs, taking care not to break the yolk. When adding the eggs, let it boil for an additional minute and add the cheese.
- To serve this delicacy, place a tablespoon of chopped onion and coriander at the bottom of the plate.
- Remove the eggs from the pot with great care not to break the yolks and place one on the plate.
- Finally, boiled milk is served very hot on each plate.
He was accompanieda of pieces of toasted bread with spread butter or almojábanas.I accompanied thembefore they are put inside the plate and become an important part of the recipe, since it gives it texture.
Cocadas Recipe
This recipe makes six servings, but following the proportions it can be made for a larger group.s large or on the contrary, for a larger groups reduced. Blog sobre salud
There are some people who do not like soft egg yolks, in which case the recommendation isn is to let cook for mes time until the yolk ishard or with the consistency that mostif you like it
Video on how to make Changua with Colombian bread
In this video you can see the step by step to prepare a delicious changua and enjoy a different breakfast.
Another of the variables of the changua recipe is putting the onion and chopped cilantro in the cooker.n and not at the end in assembling the dish, so that they cook a little but alson for them to release mores flavor in the broth resulting from boiling milk with water and onion.
I alson it may be that only the broth and the egg are served on the plate and each diner adds the bread or the almojáBanas to your liking.
This is one of the typical dishespeaks of Colombian cuisine that due to its simplicity it can be believed that everyone knows how to prepare it, but the truth is that when it is preparedn and consumption is not habitual, you can miss the practicepactic.Dreadlocks1.html
This is a wonderful recipe that not only warms the body, but alson provides necessary nutrients to the body.
Its consumption is generally done in the morning hours.ana as part of breakfast, some families use it as the special weekend breakfast and accompany it withhot chocolate and bread or a delicious arepa.
Cazuela de Catfish
Many families from the Altiplano Cundiboyacense have grown up with this recipe as part of their repertoire of traditional meals.Spades, as part of the menueveryday and even, with adaptations of the recipe that go from generation to generation.n th generationno.
This soup is made with eggs and milk and although for some it seems to be a combinationn a little strangea, the truth is that its flavor is extremely delicious, to the point that there are people who not only eat it for breakfast but alsoThey don't eat it at any time of the dayto.
Changua Recipe
RecipeChanguaNecessary ingredients to prepare a delicious changuaPreparationn of the changua with cheeseVideo on how to make Changua with Colombian bread5(1)
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