Social and physical factors such as geography, education or knowledge and cultural preferences determine access to food or nutrition. Herbalife Nutrition, by customizing its nutritional products, is committed to offering a variety of healthy options and choosing products that best fit the taste preferences, comfort needs and nutritional requirements of the world
Today's consumers are increasingly aware that they are what they eat and that the healthiest choices affect their physical and emotional well-being. According to a PwC study[1] on the future of consumer markets, more than 54% of respondents around the world claim that eating healthier is one of their top priorities and for which they would be willing to pay more. As one of the world's largest suppliers of nutritional products, with more than 120 types of products sold worldwide, from Herbalife Nutrition understand that, to help improve dietary habits, products must have a great taste and be culturally inclusive. In the nutrition industry, it is a matter of meeting health needs with highly-savoured nutritious products that also conform to the regional and cultural desires of a diverse global market.
Mike Yatcilla, Senior Vice President of Herbalife Nutrition Research and Development, says that, as a company operating in more than 90 countries, “we recognize diversity as a strong point. Not only in terms of our base of independent distributors and employees, but because we have the responsibility to offer nutritious products to consumers of all origins, cultures and living conditions. As coaches, independent distributors are the ones who best know our customers, as their business revolves around helping others achieve their well-being goals. And what works on one market, it doesn’t always work on another.”
Nutrition is personal
Nutrition is not a unique approach. Social and physical factors such as geography, education or knowledge and cultural preferences determine access to food or nutrition. Therefore, the trend towards customization continues to gain adepts in the nutrition sector. Each customer has a unique set of nutritional needs that can change over time, making it so important to have a wide portfolio of dietary supplements.
“When we develop products, we begin to listen and learn from our independent distributors around the world, who know the unique preferences and needs of their market. Collaboration with the members of our global team, the scientific knowledge of the members of our Nutrition Advisory Council and our internal scientific team is essential to develop new products that meet the changing needs of consumers around the world and to continue to increase their confidence in our products and our brand,” Yatcilla says.
Creating culturally inclusive products
Ensuring that the products meet the high standards of taste, texture and quality of the industry requires a deep knowledge of local flavors and the needs of the products. Consumer preferences vary according to age, region and culture. For example, 78% of American consumers say eating healthy[2] It is vital for their emotional well-being, while in China, 44% of adults aged 18 to 59 believe that having a good intestine reduces anxiety. Significado de refranes
“In our recently launched Global Responsibility Report: By nourishing people and the planet, we share why our products contribute to a healthy society and our commitment to product management. To do this, we expand our product offering and diversify our flavors based on the needs and preferences of our truly global consumer base, and make investments in technology that maintain the safety of our products and the good functioning of our supply chain.”
Investment in global R & D capabilities, with sensory laboratories in each of its main regions: North America, South America, Europe, China, Asia-Pacific and India, allows them to develop regional flavors more efficiently. They also have local experts in charge of the entire product development process. They will soon also invest in new development centres to create products specifically inspired by local cultures, one of which has already been launched in China, and are planning to open similar development centres in APAC, Brazil and Europe and Africa.
“An excellent example of the customization of our products is our sales success Formula 1,” which was launched in 1980 with a single flavor: Vainilla. “Today we have almost 40 different varieties, with specific flavors of each region, such as Kulfi, and more recently Rose Kheer, in India, Matcha and Red Bean in China, Melon in Russia, Chocolate Hazelnut in South America and Central America, and Rice with Milk in Mexico,” he adds.
Another investment that companies should consider is the acceleration of development processes to improve the speed of exit to the market. Herbalife Nutriton has invested heavily in reducing product launch time - 22% less time compared to the last two years-.
A culturally inclusive environment requires mutual respect, effective relations, clear communication and explicit understanding of expectations, so it is important to work and listen carefully to country teams to help leverage consumer trends and develop eco-friendly products in the target audiences. “For example, our Protein Chips that were launched in Europe and Africa reflect a greater demand for healthy snacks, especially among young people,” the director explains.
Providing vegetable protein alternatives
As many consumers seek to implement more plant-based diets, plant-based proteins are proliferating; they are expected to grow up to $15.6 billion by 2026, compared to the estimated $10.3 billion that was worth the market by 2020. This would mean an increase of about $5 billion. Herbalife Nutrition has been taking advantage of the power of plants for over 40 years and diversifying the sustainable sources of proteins “we use in our products.” Today, based on the consumption of raw materials and the specific dietary needs and preferences of customers, “84 per cent of the product protein is of vegetable origin, using as main ingredients soy, peas, rice and quinoa, which provide essential amino acids found in a complete protein. Others include non-transgenic, gluten-free, vegetarian and Kosher certified ingredients to meet the demands of different consumers,” Yatcilla says.
“To develop products to help nourish the world is a privilege. By customizing nutrition, we are committed to offering a variety of healthy choices and choosing products that best fit the taste preferences, comfort needs and nutritional requirements of the world,” he concludes.
[1] https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/consumer-markets/future-of-consumer-markets/future-of-consumer-markets-report-2021.pdf
Develop culturally inclusive products in the right way
Social and physical factors such as geography, education or knowledge and cultural preferences determine access to food or nutrition. Herbalife Nutrition, by c
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