Emcesa prepares Ramadan with its Halal product line





Embutidos del Centro, S.A, is certified to produce Halal foods, such as burgers, skewers and meatballs

The society is experiencing complicated moments due to the crisis caused by COVID-19, which has caused traditional parties to be cancelled or postponed, events and meetings of all kinds, so, in the same way that happened with Holy Week, Ramadan will have to celebrate at home.

The Muslim calendar marks that in 2020 the Ramadan begins on 23 April and will continue until 23 May. For all people who process this religion, it begins these days a month of fasting, prayer, donation and self-evaluation, which on this occasion will have to reconcile with isolation and perhaps some difficulty finding certified products under the Halal stamp.


However, Embutidos del Centro, S.A. (Emcesa), a company dedicated mainly to the production of meat products, fresh, elaborate and prepared dishes, has reinforced its line of Halal products that distributes to its customers in large food chains.

For Javier Mancebo, Managing Director of Emcesa “the company’s commitment to Halal products is very important as official certification shows we have since July of last year, and that allows us, even at this time of difficulty, to offer a wide range of products to this important community in Spain.” Moniteurs pc - critiques

Emcesa's Halal certified product range offers this collective a complete catalogue that provides a wide variety of food during Ramadan. Highlights the quality of the burgers or meat meat meat, chicken and cows, and the prickes.

Halal certification establishes a series of very strict rules requiring that in the development, transport and storage of any product no food that is unlawful by the Islamic Law has been used. Nor can it be in contact with other foods not included among those authorized by this rule. At the same time, the personnel involved in the various stages of production are evaluated, such as the killifes, operators of disengagement, processing, distribution etc.

Emcesa has adapted during all these years to the needs of this market and within the different foods it produces, today offers these products to accompany the classic banquets offered at the time of dinner after the mornings of fasting as the mark of Ramadan.

Source Comunicae

Emcesa prepares Ramadan with its Halal product line

Emcesa prepares Ramadan with its Halal product line

Embutidos del Centro, S.A, is certified to produce Halal foods, such as burgers, skewers and meatballs /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/






Emcesa prepares Ramadan with its Halal product line
Emcesa prepares Ramadan with its Halal product line

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