With the increasing health awareness globally, more and more people are turning towards soy products. One of the best nutritional changes that took place in the past few years is the inclination of people towards soy milk.
Diet and nutrition specialist vouch for the extra goodness of soy products especially the milk extracted from soya beans, commonly known as soy milk. It is extremely popular among people who prefer to stay away from other dairy products, mainly due to lactose intolerance.
Soy milk is extracted from soya beans, an exceptionally good source of proteins. These beans are soaked and grounded next day to extract the milk from them. Packed soy milks are a common sight in supermarkets these days.
They come in natural as well as various flavors to suit the taste buds. Also, Tofu made from soy milk has become an important part of various cuisines in the world. It is sparingly used in various recipes to provide the goodness of soya nutrition. Here are a few wonderful benefits of soy milk.
Excellent Protein Source:
Soy milk is only and only rich in vegetable protein, making it an ideal choice for vegetarians and vegans. Also it has a large amount of fiber as compared to the other type of milk, since it is made from beans. Tofu, made by curdling soy milk is an excellent source of protein and calcium and is highly recommended in pregnancy also.
Boon For Lactose Intolerance:
Soy milk is a boon for kids and adults suffering from lactose intolerance which is a very common diet related problem these days. Since it does not contain lactose, it can be safely given to people suffering from lactose allergy.
Infants who cannot be kept on breast feed are safely administered soy milk as it is safe and rich in protein. Also it is considered to be rich in prebiotic sugars and can be easily given to those who are diabetic or have any sugar related problem. Literatura y libros
Casein Free Milk:
Soy milk is free of casein, a type of protein found in cow’s milk. Casein is a protein that causes severe allergy problems for most of the people. Regular intake of casein may develop tendencies for cold, cough, asthma and other allergies. Hence people suffering from such allergies, especially kids are suggested to replace cow’s milk with soy milk to reduce the occurrence of bronchial infections.
Great Source Of Isoflavanes:
Soy milk is known to be rich in a magical substance called is flavones, that have plenty of health benefits for the human body. These isoflavones help in reducing the risk of certain deadly diseases such as osteoporosis,prostate cancer, increased cholesterol levels etc. They help reduce cholesterol and save the body from deadly heart diseases. Also they are rich in antioxidants and help build the immunity in the body.
Safe For Diabetics:
Since soy milk lacks the amount of bad sugar as compared to cow’s milk, it is considered safe for people suffering from type two diabetes. In fact, there are proves in medical studies that show people consuming soy milk from a very young age have a lesser risk of acquiring diabetes in the future.
5 Key Benefits Of Soy Milk
With the increasing health awareness globally, more and more people are turning towards soy products. One of the best nutritional changes that took place in th
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