Pregnancy Due Date Calculator




So you have just discovered that you are pregnant? The joy that this discovery brings along is often accompanied by confusion regarding things like when the baby is due or when did you actually conceive and so on. After your first pregnancy tests, doctors will provide you with the EDD or the Expected Date of Delivery. This is the approximate date on which your little bundle of joy is expected to arrive. So how are the estimates for EDD done and is there any way of doing it yourself.

Ovulation or the release of eggs by the ovaries takes place every month in a healthy young woman.If the sperm fertilizes eggs within forty eight hours then conception occurs. If not, then the eggs disintegrate and you get your monthly periods. However if within this time frame you do manage to conceive then it is now time to take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy, post which you can calculate the expected date for delivery of your baby. There are many methods that help you in determining this date. However the most common one that is used by medical professionals is taking your Last Menstrual Periods (LMP) into consideration.


To calculate the due date using the LMP method, just take into account the first day of your last menstrual cycle and add 280 days to it. This includes 266 days or 38 weeks of pregnancy along with 14 days for conception. Alternately you can take the first day of your LMP, add a year to it and then subtract three months from the calculation. Now add seven days to this total to get the official due date. Trucos de los Sims 4

This method of Pregnancy due date calculation is riddled with uncertainties. The 14 day period before conception and after your last periods may not hold true for everyone. This is because the duration of the menstrual cycle may differ from one woman to the other. While the standard method of due date calculation takes 28 days cycle into consideration, some women may have longer or shorter cycles. This might cause the due date to move ahead or reduce by a few days.Based on your menstrual cycles you need to thus add or subtract the number of days to get expected due date.

Although not as potent, some of the other methods of calculating the due date includes examination of the cervical mucus, BBT and checking the hCG levels. Analysis such as ultrasounds and other prenatal tests can also give you an insight into your due date.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

So you have just discovered that you are pregnant? The joy that this discovery brings along is often accompanied by confusion regarding things like when the ba





Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

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