Summer is around the corner and with it the desire to wear the trendy summer clothes this season, provided you have lost enough weight. Don’t worry. The “detox” will help you make it to summer with a hot body.
You might be wondering what the detox is all about. The rules are simple. You just have to spend some time (not more than 7 to 10 days) eating super healthy food, and drinking caffeine-free fluids (preferably water). Food without additives or preservatives is recommended for the detox.
Of course, no drugs should be consumed during this period and alcohol should be set aside for a while if you really want the detox to work and be in shape for the coming season.
If you are able to do it, you will lose about 7 to 10 pounds in only 7 to 10 days. It might be quite a challenge for the people who do it for the first time, but I’ll you give you a few tips to help you finish the detox successfully.
Tips for a successful detox
The first few days of the detox period can be a nightmare. Believe me, I have been through it many times, and it can difficult. But stick with it! I usually find it really hard the first few days because, I have to admit it, I am addicted to coffee.
And coffee is not an option when you can’t drink beverages with caffeine. I mostly have a hard time because my energy level decreases significantly without caffeine, but after the third day and after eating a healthy diet, I start to feel energized again. Now let’s get to some things you should do to be successful. Recetas faciles y rápidas
Cooking your meals from scratch is must. You will know what’s in them and you will choose the ingredients you use wisely to enhance your weight loss. If you have a passion for a certain food or drink, it is advisable to start the detox slowly.
Let’s make a plan for the weaker ones who might just surrender to a cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate. The first week, do not eat bread; eliminate it from your diet. The second week, get rid of coffee, but don’t go back to bread.
That way it’ll be easier for you to get the effects of the detox by not eating these toxic foods. Continue eating super healthy foods for the remaining weeks of your detox. When you finish, you’ll have that clear skin and you’ll feel great!
Try this exciting new method of losing weight and, with the detox, you’ll see fantastic results in just a few days. And remember to eat and drink sensibly.
Happy Detox!
How to Lose Weight in 7 Days
Summer is around the corner and with it the desire to wear the trendy summer clothes this season, provided you have lost enough weight. Don’t worry. The “d
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