Causes of Snoring




Snoring is a problem which sometimes can create a havoc in your other wise normal and happy life. Disturbed sleeping can cause physical and emotional problems for you and your partner. This results in stress and puts unnecessary strain on a relationship.

There are many ways in which you can completely stop or reduce snoring. There are various kinds of sprays and medical devices available in the market these days. The sprays help to soothe any kind of irritation in the airways and keep them open to let the air pass silently.

There are no specific drugs to cure the problem of snoring. But if you are a heavy snorer, you must take medical advice. Only after a proper diagnosis you can find out the reason for snoring.


It can be due to allergies, infections or other lifestyle factors. Get to the bottom and try to find out the causes of snoring.

Some common causes of snoring are:

Nasal and sinus problems, age, the way you are built, smoking, alcohol, being overweight, improper sleep posture.

Mild snoring can be easily managed by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Avoid any kind of sleeping pills. Consider loosing weight if you are overweight. Reduce the intake of alcohol. Try to establish a regular sleep pattern. Health Tips

Try to exercise your jaw muscles, tongue and throat. This helps in clearing the breathing passage and thus reduces snoring. Regular habit of singing is also effective in reducing snoring.

Sometimes a heavy stuffy nose makes breathing difficult and thus creates a vacuum in the throat. This leads to snoring. You can try nasal strips or nasal decongestants to clear your nasal passage.

Try keeping your bedroom air moist. Often dry air irritates the membranes in the throat. Use a humidifier for keeping the air moist.

Some studies have shown that consumption of certain foods and medications can make snoring worse. Some of these food items are soy milk, alcohol, caffeine, sleeping pills, a large meal, dairy products.

You can also try some throat exercises like repeating each vowel out loud for around four minutes. These minor adaptations in your lifestyle can help you in reducing snoring.

Causes of Snoring

Causes of Snoring

Snoring is a problem which sometimes can create a havoc in your other wise normal and happy life. Disturbed sleeping can cause physical and emotional problems





Causes of Snoring
Causes of Snoring

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