If a diet is based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, but without giving up (occasionally) a good dish of animal origin, it is about flexitarianism. The truth is that it is a lifestyle with more and more adepts and is not surprising since it presents itself as the definitive diet: healthy, rich in nutrients and fiber and without restrictions. Bodega de los Secretos, the restaurant located in the most popular and ancient winery in Madrid, reveals the keys to the perfect diet and its benefits
The flexitarian diet is composed of 80% vegetarian diet and 20% animal. Flexitarians feed on fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals, dairy or eggs, but do not give up fish, meat or seafood occasionally and in small doses.
It differs from the veganism or vegetarianism in which the flexitarian does not feel guilt when you consume any animal products. Although it is concerned about the origin and development of food, sustainability and the ECO. The occasional consumption of animal foods allows to obtain the contributions of Omega 3 fatty acids necessary for the organism, proteins and vitamin B12. Besides, it's a low-fat diet and cholesterol.
He slime without starving. Many benders bet to carry out Five intakes of food a day, not very copious. In addition, when they choose meat protein, they are decided by whites and wizards. Mazos del Hearthstone
This diet has no side effects. The truth is that more than a diet is a lifestyle without contraindications. It can be done at any age and the benefits do not take notice: more energy, more luminous skin, strong immune system,etc.
Finally, it promises more savings. By reducing meat or fish intake, you can invest more money in quality BIO agricultural products and even so, the pocket still has a breath.
About Bodega of Secrets
Bodega de los Secretos is a restaurant in the center of Madrid located in rehabilitated wineries of the s. XVII. In it the cuisine is a Mediterranean avant-garde and draws attention to its space, which makes the comensal feel in an oasis in the heart of the city. Its walls are filled with bacons, domes, arches and ornamented pechines.
Its gastronomic offer is made up of all kinds, an exquisite selection of meats, fish and rice and a delicious dessert menu to finish any meal or evening in the best way.
Calle de San Blas, 4, 28014 Madrid
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Flexitarianism is the most balanced diet
If a diet is based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, but without giving up (occasionally) a good dish of animal origin, it is about flexitarianism.
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