The increase in life expectancy in the population has generated a study stream on external factors that influence brain health. Different members of the Herbalife Nutrition Consultant Council analyze how to maintain the brain in appropriate conditions on this stage and bet for a balanced diet and a healthy life to curb age-related cognitive deterioration
World-wide life expectancy has doubled over the last 100 years, so living a long life requires the brain to face its greatest enemy: cognitive deterioration associated with age. But what most people may not know is that you can have more control than it might seem when protecting this thinking muscle. Herbalife Nutrition nutritionists give the fundamental keys to keeping the brain in optimal conditions for a longer period of time: healthy eating and training.
Today it is known that feeding can affect cognitive abilities, such as memory and attention. Decreasing consumption of processed products and refined sugars and increasing intake of Omega 3 fatty acids contribute to good brain health. In addition, antioxidants combat age-related oxidative stress, which is the main cause of brain cell deterioration. Gary Small, a member of the Herbalife Nutrition Consultant Council, believes that “we should give more importance to the foods we consume, as they have a major impact on the structure and brain health.” In this regard, David Heber, president of the Herbalife Nutrition Institute, commented: “Nation affects the health of the brain in many ways. What we eat not only feeds our brain cells, but also contributes to maintaining a stable mood.” So what should be eaten to have a healthy brain?, what are the foods that really provide nutrients that improve memory, attention and mood? These are the advice of the Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Council. Correo temporal gratis
Invalid request: request (2110) exceeds text limit (2000)The brain also goes to the gym.
Brain health has four different components: care, memory, cognition and mood. For a task to stimulate the brain enough to exercise it, it must be new and complex, so that multiple areas intervene. David Herber proposes fun ideas about activities that help stimulate the brain to keep its activity, and that some experts believe it can reduce the risks of cognitive impairment.
Neurobic exercises are activities that improve brain performance in new and new ways by using the five senses. They are excellent because they stimulate the growth of new connections between brain cells. Practices as simple as using the non-dominant hand to perform everyday activities such as brushing your teeth, holding the holder or moving your computer mouse or reading out loud (brain images have shown that three different brain regions are illuminated when read, spoken or heard the same word) constitute a simple and effective training to maintain brain health in perfect condition.
Although it seems contradictory, meditation counts as a procedure to exercise the mind, as it exercises control over a flow of thoughts that do not stop producing, something very difficult to achieve. According to the National Institutes of Health, meditation can increase the brain's ability to process information and delay, stop or even reverse changes taking place in the brain due to normal aging.
On the other hand, performing pleasurable activities that are cognitively stimulating will help keep the brain healthy and reduce the risk of cognitive impairment associated with age. There is a world of possibilities, taichí, photography classes, cooking, learning a new language, creative writing, etc.
Food and training to keep your brain in full shape
The increase in life expectancy in the population has generated a study stream on external factors that influence brain health. Different members of the Herbal
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