Frutas Eloy launches “De Madrid al Huerto”, an alliance with small producers of the Community of Madrid





Frutas Eloy, the distributor specializing in the marketing and distribution of fruits, vegetables and gastronomic products to the best restaurants, hotels and catering in Madrid starts a new project

The Community of Madrid is not characterized by a large area for the cultivation of fruits, vegetables and vegetables, but there are still small and courageous local farmers who strive to carry out projects that advocate respect for the environment and health. It's been years since Fruits Eloy works with small farmers' products spread throughout Spain. This time, it has helped them understand and understand how a small farmer works: the importance of the climate, the limitations in their productions, planting programs, quality requirements, communication and constant and mutual trust.


Now comes the time of Madrid, the moment to bet on those who are closer and give them more prominence. They may not have the resources that the large companies producing other autonomous communities have, nor their climatology, but with this joint work, they hope to value the great work they do and of course enjoy and make them come true fruits and vegetables KM 0 of small farmers of the Community of Madrid.

This project is forged with an alliance of 4 orchards distributed in different villages of the Community of Madrid (Bustarviejo, Ciempozuelos, Torremocha del Jarama and Valdetorres del Jarama) and 2 other individual orchards located in Quijorna and Navalcarnero.

In Frutas Eloy they consider the relationship of closeness to the farmer, one of the fundamental pillars of work, in the day to day, mutual trust between both parties as an added value to the project and, in the end, to the product. Blog de divulgación científica

With the products “from Madrid to Huerto” you can obtain quality, freshness, closeness and honesty. They are 100% seasonal products, freshly harvested and at the optimal ripening point. In addition, all farmers are within a distance of 30/60 minutes from their facilities, located in Mercamadrid, Spain's largest distribution and marketing platform. All share a similar working philosophy, making a different and quality product.

By having the orchards in different locations of the Community of Madrid, they manage to stagger the productions and have a great diversity of product. Taking into account that in production zones at 1200m high as in Bustarviejo, with its relevant frosts, in the coldest season can only be cultivated repollos of up to 6kg weight. However, it is also the area where the tomato season is most elongated.


The offer of their fruits and vegetables is common, and depending on which products are best given to each and the surface they have to produce, cultivate one or more. Among all the orchards they manage to add an area of more than 8 hectares of work.

They do not have large machinery or have a large workforce. They are artisans of the field, they work with ancient varieties and collect seeds, making their own patterns with them. They try to produce different crops, sometimes with uncommercial appearance to get out of the standardized, but they are the best, they are 100% authentic.

For the time being, Frutas Eloy will direct this project only to his hospitality clients, but they do not rule out including it soon in theironline shopfor individuals.

Frutas Eloy launches “De Madrid al Huerto”, an alliance with small producers of the Community of Madrid

Frutas Eloy launches “De Madrid al Huerto”, an alliance with small producers of the Community of Madrid

Frutas Eloy, the distributor specializing in the marketing and distribution of fruits, vegetables and gastronomic products to the best restaurants, hotels and





Frutas Eloy launches “De Madrid al Huerto”, an alliance with small producers of the Community of Madrid
Frutas Eloy launches “De Madrid al Huerto”, an alliance with small producers of the Community of Madrid

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