JULY ABUELA, S.L. is a company located in Nambroca (Toledo) that produces and sells different lines of meat products, traditional sausages artisans and precoccinated that adapt to the different needs of their customers
Following the charcutera tradition of the typical massacres that took place in the villages, today THE JULY ABUELA it remains faithful to its origins, ensuring excellent quality and service thanks to a staff of more than 75 workers and modern facilities of almost 10,000 m2 perfectly conditioned to give solution to each of the production processes, including a laboratory of its own where microbiological analyses are performed daily.
With the aim of supplying the nearest shops on a daily basis, the company has a large fleet of small refrigerator trucks and three large tonnage trucks that distribute their products at the national level.
In line with its continuous improvement policy, THE JULY ABUELA It modernized its ERP system, a management system that integrates the different business processes, implementing a new one with obvious improvements in its performance and that adapts perfectly to the needs of the food business to which it belongs.
The new ERP app offers the company more information and of greater quality, with agile and flexible access, allowing for better decision-making by the management. In a short period of time, this system will allow real-time production control to be implemented, with the ability to control parameters relating to both the efficiency of work and the profitability of production and its traceability.
JULY ABUELA, S.L. face your future with total guarantees of success. Proof of this is the implementation of this integrated management system that allows the company to advance in the continuous improvement of its processes and in the service to its customers.
Collaboration with CEDEC®, S.A.
JULY ABUELA, S.L. has collaborated since 2017 with the company strategic management CEDEC®, European Center for Economic Evolution, S.A., European leader in management, direction and organization of family enterprises since 1965.
The best organization of human resources, the optimization of management processes, the adequacy of productive methods, the improvement of commercial action and the design of an adapted strategic plan were the areas of action in which JULY ABUELA, S.L. and CEDEC® collaborated to reach the maximum points Business Excellence, quality in service and progress and development in your market. Podcast ingles diario
Information about CEDEC®
CEDEC®, European Center for Economic Evolution S.A. is the company leader in Europe in management, management and organization for family businesses since 1965. Its purpose is to reach the companies the most efficient organizational systems, thus optimizing their business results and achieving Business Excellence in all of them.
Its differential factor resides in its proven working methodology. CEDEC® works with and for entrepreneurs with the objective of effectively implementing, in family enterprises of any size, a professional and updated management through the application of own techniques and work systems.
Implanted in Spain since 1971, CEDEC® has participated in projects of more than 46,000 companies, in particular more than 13,000 in Spain, occupying a staff of more than 300 highly qualified professionals in all their headquarters, 100 of which in Spain.
With headquarters in Brusselsin addition to Barcelona and Madridthe strategic consulting firm CEDEC® has offices Paris, Geneva, Luxembourg and Milan.
Work and consolidation CEDEC® as a company specializing in strategic business management, can be reflected in many views and success stories of national and international companies that offer, disinterestedly, their opinion on CEDEC® and that can be consulted on the different websites of the countries where the company is implanted https://www.cedec.es/testimonialsas well as visual comments in his channel of youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg86SZfSTgWFsRWz27OfW_g
Associated url: https://laabuelajulia.com/
For more information, contact:
Luis Feliu
Vice-President Division Strategic Management
Tel.: 902 111 275
e-mail: web@cedec.es
Grandma Julia implements a new management system and reaffirms its collaboration with CEDEC®
JULY ABUELA, S.L. is a company located in Nambroca (Toledo) that produces and sells different lines of meat products, traditional sausages artisans and precocc
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