Herbalife Nutrition Launches “Nutrition for Zero Hunger”





The multinational dedicated to nutrition and healthy lifestyle has donated $2 million to combat global hunger and announced its partnership with the NGO Feed The Children

The multinational nutrition and healthy lifestyle, Herbalife Nutrition, has announced the launch of the global Zero Hunger Nutrition initiative, with the donation of $2 million that will contribute to ending hunger in the world, ensuring that people have access to good nutrition and attacking the growth of obesity.


The initiative, which is supported by non-profit partners, will focus on providing access to healthy foods, improving education on healthy nutrition, identifying sustainable food sources and increasing the visibility of this global problem.

Along with this initiative, the company also announced its collaboration with Feed the Childrena non-profit organization that seeks to end child hunger in the world. Feed the Children appointed the month of September as the month to combat hunger, and as a featured member of Zero Hunger Nutrition, Herbalife Nutrition will support programs to develop with this goal.

“The Zero Hunger Nutrition initiative addresses key pandemic issues and, through work with our partners – such as Feed the Children – we hope to build a world where we all have access to quality food and nutrition,” said Alan Hoffman, executive vice president of Global Corporate Affairs.

“Feed the Children is proud of this partnership with Herbalife Nutrition to address the important problem of child hunger,” said Travis Arnold, President and CEO of Feed the Children, an organization in 11 countries that has supported 6.5 million people worldwide. “The problem we cannot fight alone. We know that when we combine our efforts, we will have a greater impact on the lives of the families that most need us around the world.”

Zero Hunger Nutrition meets the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #2, which encourages the implementation of strong actions to end hunger in all its forms in the face of 2030, as well as providing solutions to achieve food security and improve nutrition in the world.

With the donation of $2 million, the company establishes an alliance with organizations working to alleviate hunger and poor nutrition and will promote food security while providing in-kind donations of food and nutritious products to vulnerable populations and will provide resources for the promotion of nutritional education in countries and areas where the NGO operates.

In Spain, Herbalife Nutrition has a long tradition of corporate social responsibility, with the sponsorship of athletes such as the Atletico football team of Madrid Femenino or the Herbalife Gran Canaria basketball team. It also carries out important work in support of NGOs such as Child Villages, through the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation and its Casa Herbalife program, to help improve the nutrition of children, young people and families in need.

About Herbalife Nutrition Ltd
Herbalife Nutrition is a global nutrition company that has as its mission to change the lives of people with excellent nutrition products and programs since 1980. Together with their independent distributors of Herbalife Nutrition, they are committed to finding solutions for global problems of malnutrition and obesity, population ageing, the increasing cost of public health care and the increase of entrepreneurs of all ages. Herbalife Nutrition offers high-quality products supported by science, most produced in company-specific facilities, personalized sessions with an independent distributor of Herbalife Nutrition and a community support approach that inspires customers to adopt a healthier and more active lifestyle. Recetas faciles y rápidas

Herbalife Nutrition's objective nutrition, weight control, energy, fitness and personal care products are available exclusively through their committed independent distributors in more than 90 countries.

In her efforts in corporate social responsibility, Herbalife Nutrition supports the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF) and her Casa Herbalife programs to help provide good nutrition to needy children. Herbalife Nutrition is also proud to sponsor more than 190 athletes, teams and events around the world.

Herbalife Nutrition has approximately 8,900 employees worldwide and its shares are listed in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:HLF), with annual net sales of approximately $4.9 billion in 2018. To find out more, visitHerbalife.com or IAmHerbalife.com.

The company also invites investors to visit their investor relations website go.herbalife.comwhere you will find all the updated financial information, as well as the latest developments.

About Feed the Children
In Feed the Children, they feed hungry children. Imagine a world where no child goes to bed hungry. In the United States and internationally they are dedicated to helping families and communities achieve stable lives and reduce the need for future aid, providing food and resources to help them today. They distribute to local community partners the products donated by corporations, accompany teachers and students, and mobilize resources quickly to help in recovery efforts following the impact of natural disasters. Internationally, we manage community development programs focused on children in 10 countries. They accept strategic collaborations because they know that their work would not be possible without collaborative relationships. Visit feedthechildren.org for more information.

Herbalife Nutrition Launches “Nutrition for Zero Hunger”

Herbalife Nutrition Launches “Nutrition for Zero Hunger”

The multinational dedicated to nutrition and healthy lifestyle has donated $2 million to combat global hunger and announced its partnership with the NGO Feed T






Herbalife Nutrition Launches “Nutrition for Zero Hunger”
Herbalife Nutrition Launches “Nutrition for Zero Hunger”

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