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Taking care of your skin is a necessity, especially as you age. The best way to put your best face forward is to drink plenty of water each day. Next comes making sure your skin is perfectly balanced — not too oily or dry. Homemade face moisturizer (or facial oil) is the most effective way to stabilize problematic skin and maintain poise.
Store-bought facial moisturizer is expensive, and if you purchase drugstore skincare products, the added money is wasted on a product that’s most likely causing the issues in the first place. Many of these options contain unnatural ingredients and chemicals. Others clog your pores and cause breakouts.
But a decent skincare regimen personalized to you does wonders.
In my experience, the best homemade face moisturizer is made with jojoba oil as a base. My jojoba oil face moisturizer works well for all skin types and is particularly helpful with any ailment your skin may face. Keep reading to learn how to make it.
Jojoba Oil Benefits: Who Should Use the Oil?
How to Make Face Moisturizer at Home
Using the Face Moisturizer
About the Oils: How to Personalize the Face Moisturizer for Your Needs
Tea Tree Oil and Acne
Lavender Essential Oil for Skin
Frankincense Essential Oil for Face
Give the Moisturizer a Few Weeks to Work
Jojoba Oil Benefits: Who Should Use the Oil?
Photo by Bee Naturalles on Unsplash
Jojoba oil (ho-ho-ba) comes from the nut of a desert shrub. It grows as a perennial in North America, particularly around Arizona, California, and Mexico. Native Americans found uses for the jojoba bush for centuries, from treating sores and bruises to tummy issues. The liquid form is less of an oil and more of a plant wax.
The oil is a newer ingredient in the skincare industry, but loaded with vitamins and nutrients your skin adores. Today, people use it to treat acne, chapped skin, sunburn, psoriasis, and eczema.
My jojoba oil face moisturizer is all-natural, affordable, and an easy-to-follow recipe. It uses jojoba oil as the base, which is nourishing and repairing.
The jojoba plant grows a nut with healing properties, so it creates a gentle oil. Many people use jojoba oil alone or as a carrier oil to safely blend essential oils for topical use. You can even use the oil alone as a natural makeup remover.
The oil matches the skin’s natural oil called sebum. This helps moisturize the skin deeply, as it readily absorbs into your face.
Perfect for most climates, jojoba oil is a lightweight option that removes grime, makeup, and dirt. It works especially well in the Midwest or Southwest, where there are harsh winters and sunlight, drastically changing humidity levels, and quick weather alterations.
However, different oils (both carriers and essential oils) come with benefits for varying nationalities and skin types. Not every oil will work for you.
The best choices for you might involve carrier oils and other natural ingredients that grow native to the same location(s) as your ancestors. People of European descent, for example, find great results from apricot, sweet almond, or olive oil.
Jojoba oil also pairs well with rosehip and argan oils. It’s best for dry or mature skin. However, the base works well for oil, normal, and acne-prone skin types too.
Use my jojoba oil face moisturizer recipe for:
Acne-prone skin: Unlike coconut oil, jojoba is non-comedogenic with lots of natural sebum, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. This means it won’t clog your pores, kills bacteria that cause breakouts, may lead to fewer breakouts/less acne, and even heals the wounds from skin picking or acne scarring.
Wrinkles or signs of aging: Full of antioxidants, jojoba helps you produce more collagen. Because collagen naturally decreases over time, the oil may keep your skin looking young. Vitamin E reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and it even boosts the elasticity of your skin.
Toxin exposure: Skin with oxidative stress from toxins and other everyday pollutants in your environment benefits from the natural vitamin E in jojoba oil.
Oily skin: Similar to the sebum your skin naturally produces, jojoba oil regulates sebum production that causes the skin to appear oily. It keeps oil levels balanced long-term.
Dry skin: This desert shrub is excellent for dry complexions. An ingredient in jojoba oil called humectant seals and protects the skin, preventing you from losing moisture throughout the day and preventing infections.
Allergies: Jojoba oil is the perfect carrier for people with reactions to skincare products because it’s hypoallergenic. Allergic reactions are rare with this nonirritating carrier. Plus, jojoba oil face moisturizer creates a protective barrier against allergens in your environment.
Skin conditions: Thanks to the healing and anti-inflammatory properties, applying jojoba to the skin may relieve psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and flaky or itchy dry skin.
Sun damage: Jojoba oil protects your face from sun damage and soothes sunburns.
Pregnancy: Not all oils are safe for topical application with women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, but jojoba oil is entirely safe.
How to Make Face Moisturizer at Home
For my jojoba face moisturizer, I add in lavender and tea tree oil. All products from Nature Lab’s
Below are the steps I follow to make face moisturizer at home. Jojoba oil face moisturizer is best for normal, dry, or oily skin.
Remember to check for allergic reactions before using new oil. Spot test the product on a small patch of skin on your forearm first if you’re not sure how you might react.
2 teaspoons of pure jojoba oil. HERRETE | Descúbre su verdadero significado
4-6 drops of essential oil (tea tree, lavender, or frankincense)
1 teaspoon of non-GMO vitamin E oil (optional)
Wash your hands thoroughly. After drying your hands, either mix a drop or two of jojoba oil with equal parts of your favorite essential oil(s) directly in the palm of your hand or premix a larger amount for storage.
If immediately applying the oil to your face, start small. A drop of each oil in your palm is more than enough to cover your face and neck. Dab the skin lightly.
For a large batch: Combine the ingredients in a clean glass bowl, using about an ounce of your carrier oil with 6-10 drops of essential oil. Mix the big batch thoroughly.
Store the face moisturizer in a small glass mason jar at room temperature or in a cool, dark place. Shake the jar before use if you pre-make the moisturizer, as the oils may separate.
Feel free to alter the ratio of oils depending on your skin. I like to use equal drops of tea tree oil and lavender. Tea tree combines well with jojoba to form a powerful acne fighter.
I also alter the recipe based on season. In the summer, I include a bit of aloe vera to protect against sun damage. Likewise, sometimes I add coconut oil in the winter to fight dryness.
Note: The homemade face moisturizer is more of a serum. Expect a liquid end result. If you prefer a more lotion-like consistency, try using solid coconut oil or beeswax instead of jojoba oil.
Melt 1/4 cup of solid coconut oil in something microwave-safe, or you can whip all the ingredients together with a mixer. Add in the essential oils when the coconut is in liquid form, and pour the mixture in a glass jar. Allow it to cool and harden overnight if you melt the coconut oil.
Using the Face Moisturizer
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Apply the oils directly onto your face with clean hands, paying attention to the cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose. Massage the product into your skin using the fingertips. Leave the oil on your face overnight to nourish skin while you rest.
If applying the face moisturizer during the day, dilute it with a bit of water. Try applying the moisturizer directly onto your wet face after your morning shower.
You can also use jojoba for cracked, dry lips or anywhere else on your body. Jojoba oil is safe for applying near the eye area, depending on the other ingredients you include (essential oils). Alone, it works as a great cleanser or acne spot treatment as well.
Your skin absorbs the moisturizer. Jojoba oil is light, so it should never feel heavily caked onto your face. If your skin feels greasy, use less oil.
Need more moisture? Add an equal amount of fractionated coconut oil to the recipe. Coconut and jojoba oils come together to form a powerful combination of moisturizing and antioxidant properties. Aloe vera is another exceptional alternative. You can also try adding equal parts of any other nourishing oil, like sweet almond, argan, grapeseed, or apricot.
Always wash your hands again after application. The face moisturizer lasts around a month at room temperature. Store it in the fridge to prolong the lifespan.
About the Oils: How to Personalize the Face Moisturizer for Your Needs
Each essential oil offers varying benefits. Some oils for the face help with acne, scarring or sun spots, wrinkles, or even the skin’s overall appearance. Many options also boost the moisture content of your face moisturizer, meaning you can alter the recipe depending on your needs or the season.
We already talked about the jojoba oil’s skin-healing benefits. But vitamin E oil is another option the skin loves. Vitamin E is full of antioxidants, prevents inflammation, moisturizes, helps heal wounds, and may even have anti-aging properties.
I list vitamin E as option for this DIY face moisturizer because the scientific research is mixed. Studies show topical application of vitamin E reduces signs of psoriasis and eczema.
However, an older study shows that many people suffer allergic reactions from topical application. Use vitamin E with caution. I suggest only adding it into your moisturizer if you have one of these conditions that commonly cause dry, flaky skin or use it to spot treat wrinkles and scars.
Use the following information to select the essential oil(s) for your moisturizer. Don’t be afraid to combine a few or try a new choice once in a while.
Tea Tree Oil and Acne
Tea tree essential oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal. In small amounts, it is the best oil for acne prone skin.
Many studies show strong evidence to support how tea tree oil helps reduce the oil and bacteria associated with acne. Many people find that using the oil twice daily improves mild to moderate acne without severe side effects.
Keep in mind that tea tree oil is not ideal for all ages. Some people also find tea tree irritating to the mucus membranes and eyes. Never ingest it or get the oil too close to your eyes.
Lavender Essential Oil for Skin
A safe essential oil for all ages, lavender is perfect for oily, dry, and acne-prone skin. It moisturizes and is gentle enough for sensitive skin. Studies show that lavender oil helps:
Prevent breakouts
Treat eczema and psoriasis
Reduce skin inflammation
Heal wounds, minor burns, and scars
Relieve pain
Lower stress
Reduce itchiness
Prevent stretch marks
Avoid fine lines and wrinkles
Protect against harmful UV rays
This soothing oil helps the skin heal, but you don’t need much. Use lavender on your entire body for flawless skin — no matter what skin type you have.
Frankincense Essential Oil for Face
Ideal for mature skin, frankincense essential oil has anti-aging properties to soften fine lines and reduce the signs of wrinkles for good. Frankincense is one of the most used oils for skincare. It’s also great for acne-prone or injured skin.
Use this essential oil for your face to help solve the appearance of aging or healing issues such as sores, bruises, breakouts, or uneven skin tones. The anti-inflammatory properties also make it vastly beneficial for rashes, bites, burns, eczema, or psoriasis.
Give the Moisturizer a Few Weeks to Work
Photo by Park Street on Unsplash
Try using your new jojoba face moisturizer for at least a week to six weeks for the best results. Track your results and try modifying the recipe by adding in other carrier or essential oils later. Dab the oil onto your skin when you need. My recipe even heals dry, cracked lips!
The Best Homemade Face Moisturizer with Healing Properties
Jojoba Oil Benefits: Who Should Use the Oil?How to Make Face Moisturizer at HomeUsing the Face MoisturizerAbout the Oils: How to Personalize the Face Moisturiz
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