Mash of garlic and parsley - ingredients
- 1 Head of Garlic
- 1 Bunch of Parsley
- 1 Ct.Coarse salt
- Cumin (optional)
- Virgin olive oil
Garlic and parsley mash - Preparationn
Put the garlic in the mortar and crush well.
Add the parsley without the stems and the salt.
Mash well so that the parsley releases all the juice.
You can add some cumin to give it a different taste.
Add the oil and stir nonstop until a mixture similar to a light mayonnaise sauce remains.
It is ideal to accompanyar meat, fish and poultry.The good thing is to leave macerating for a few hours in the majado before using.
How to make garlic and parsley mash
Add the parsley without the stems and salt.Add the parsley without the stems and the salt.Put the garlic in the mortar and crush well.We put the garlic
How to make garlic and parsley mash
Mash of garlic and parsley - ingredients1 Head of Garlic1 Bunch of Parsley1 Ct.Coarse saltCumin (optional)Virgin olive oilGarlic and parsley mash - Preparation
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