If you are the one who is looking to have fine, straight and smooth hair just to get that whole new look then you must know that flat ironing your hair will definitely help you get this.
It is the sure-fire way of straightening your hair and also the best alternative for toxic chemicals which take the shine away from your hair. Here are some ways that will help you to flat iron your hair.
Difficulty Level
Easy but you need to do it every six months to keep your hair straight.
Do it in front of the mirror: Adjust the iron to a specific heat. If you have thick hair then it is advisable that you keep a higher setting whereas in case of thin hair it is better to keep a lower setting.
Part your hair properly: Parting your properly is the key to have straight hair. Always start by parting your hair into four sections which basically include bottom right and left and top right and left. Make more sections of your hair if your hair is thick.
Spray a heat protectant: Before ironing the hair, spray a heat protectant. However, see to it that you don’t spray it in higher quantity as it will only make your hair greasy which in turn will make it hard to flat iron your hair.
Iron the hair completely: By taking each of the sections separately slowly iron the hair. For best results, it is advisable that you iron your hair from the roots.
Pull the iron in a straight direction: Many women have the habit of ironing their hair in unspecified manner. If you want your hair to be straight then it is obvious that you will have to iron them in a straight direction. So it is advisable that you pull the iron in a straight direction and up to the end of the hair.
Move slowly: Don’t be in a hurry. If you want straight hair then you will have to iron them perfectly. For better results, iron your from the roots to the bottom and tie each section once done and then move to the next section.
Follow these steps to flat iron your hair and you are ready with a high fashionable and killer look.
Follow these steps to flat iron your hair and you are ready with a high fashionable and killer look.
How To Flat Iron Hair
If you are the one who is looking to have fine, straight and smooth hair just to get that whole new look then you must know that flat ironing your hair will de
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